SQLite adapter for Oat++ ORM.
More about Oat++:
- Install the main oatpp module.
- Install SQLite.
to install oatpp-sqlite together with SQLite amalgamation in which case you don't need to install SQLite
(Current version3.45.3
- Clone this repository.
- In the root of the repository run:
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make install
Detailed documentation on Oat++ ORM you can find here.
All you need to start using oatpp ORM with SQLite is to create oatpp::sqlite::Executor
and provide it to your DbClient
#include "db/MyClient.hpp"
#include "oatpp-sqlite/orm.hpp"
class AppComponent {
* Create DbClient component.
* SQLite is used as an example here. For other databases declaration is similar.
OATPP_CREATE_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<db::MyClient>, myDatabaseClient)([] {
/* Create database-specific ConnectionProvider */
auto connectionProvider = std::make_shared<oatpp::sqlite::ConnectionProvider>("/path/to/database.sqlite");
/* Create database-specific ConnectionPool */
auto connectionPool = oatpp::sqlite::ConnectionPool::createShared(connectionProvider,
10 /* max-connections */,
std::chrono::seconds(5) /* connection TTL */);
/* Create database-specific Executor */
auto executor = std::make_shared<oatpp::sqlite::Executor>(connectionPool);
/* Create MyClient database client */
return std::make_shared<MyClient>(executor);
- Apache License 2.0 applies to all files of this module except SQLite amalgamation.
- SQLite License applies to SQLite amalgamation files: