Nicate is a library to make languages that can communicate with each other and C.
It provides APIs at many levels, each suitable for different purposes.
- grammar-based C construction and output
- logical (but typeless) C construction and output
- (planned) type-aware ast construction and output
- parallel regex lexer stepping library
- (low-level) push-based parser library
- (limited) bnf-like parser so you can output something else instead of c89
- (possible) other output modes (gccjit & llvm C APIs, via dlopen)
- (possible) API emulation for gccjit & llvm C APIs
Python3 APIs:
- logical C construction and output
- limited bnf-like parser so you can output something else instead of c89
- parallel regex lexer stepping library
- low-level push-token -based parser library
- high-level push-character -based parser/lexer combo
See hello.c and for example client code.
For support, join #o11c on but you might also find like-minded people on #proglangdesign, ##parsers, and #compilers.