Meet Vijay, a Software Engineer who loves to explore diverse interests and hobbies beyond programming. Vijay has worked with some of the well known names in the industry like Motive, Razorpay, and Treebo Hotels. Currently working with Motive Inc. (formerly, KeepTruckin).
When Vijay is not busy typing away on his keyboard, you can find him exploring his love for coffee and travel. With a discerning palate, he is always on the hunt for new coffee beans to try. In fact, Vijay takes pride in brewing a perfect cup of coffee that can give even the best baristas a run for their money.
But coffee isn't the only thing that piques Vijay's interest. He also has a deep fascination for human behavior and psychology, and enjoy learning more about it through various mediums. Vijay's love for reading is also noteworthy, and he is known to devour books across various genres (mostly non-fiction).
When it's time to unwind, Vijay likes to sit back with a good scotch and enjoy a relaxing evening. He is also a polyglot, with fluency in English, Hindi, Telugu, Odiya; familiar with Marathi, Kannada & Tamil, and actively learning Spanish (at the time of this writing).
In addition to the above interests, Vijay has a knack for organization and productivity, and enjoys experimenting with new tools and techniques to optimize their workflow. He enjoys keeping things in order, whether it's his desk or his digital files (He uses the PARA method).
And of course, Vijay's passion for programming is ever-present. He is skilled at building backend-systems, data pipelines, architecting systems, and creating scalable infrastructures.
However, he believes that life is not just about work, but a wonderful journey of experiences, adventures, and learning. As Vijay likes to say, "Life is about experiences and I like to focus on the intensity of them."
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