Lots of useful small changes with this release, with a focus on improving workflow. Also very excited to announce Hedron now has an awesome logo, thanks to @netgrind!
One fun feature to shout about is the hot sketch reloading. You can now have your sketches hot reload on code changes inside the compiled app. Hot reloading still needs some work (#245), but it's already quite useful.
IMPORTANT API CHANGE FOR SKETCHES: You no longer need to require THREE
as a module, as it is now available as a global variable. In fact it is strongly advised you use this global variable rather than import, as lots of strange behaviour can occur otherwise. For convenience, THREE.GLTFLoader
and THREE.OrbitControls
are available too.
Big thanks to all the contributors on this release: @netgrind, @esnho, @Ranacode. Even the tiniest changes or bug reports help!
New Features
- App icon! #96. (@netgrind)
- Fun new example sketch (uses 3D icon thanks to @netgrind). #156 (@funwithtriangles)
- Infinite levels of inputs for param sub nodes. #197 (@funwithtriangles)
- Properties panel. #159 (@funwithtriangles)
- Hot sketch reloading. #168 (@funwithtriangles)
- Sketch categories. #183 (@netgrind)
- Min/Max values for params. #75 (@netgrind)
- Hidden params. #78 (@netgrind)
- Improved audio analysis. #74 (@netgrind)
- "Add all params" to macros. #136 (@funwithtriangles)
- Audio input bands combined into one input with dropdown to change band. #155 (@funwithtriangles)
- MIDI note select. #189 (@funwithtriangles)
- Keyboard shortcut for settings page. #182 (@netgrind)
- Project will automatically look for sibling sketch folder if fails to find via path. #176 (@funwithtriangles)
- Improved noise LFO. #145 (@esnho)
- Improved dropdowns. #214 (@funwithtriangles)
- Improved scrollbars. #153 (@funwithtriangles)
- About app modal. #128 (@funwithtriangles)
API changes
- THREE now declared as global variable rather than importing (#249)
- Sketch constructor param order change. #116 (@netgrind)
- Default camera position changed. #142 (@netgrind)
- Comma dangle rule added to linting. #125 (@Ranacode)
Removed Features
- MIDI banks are gone. #204 (@funwithtriangles)
- Downgraded to Electron 3. #193 (@funwithtriangles)
- Removed
command. #248 (@funwithtriangles)
Bug Fixes
- Various CSS fixes. #232 (@funwithtriangles)
- Deleting macros no longer causes crashes. #232 (@funwithtriangles)
- Using sequencer no longer affects macro learn. #229 (@funwithtriangles)
- Advanced param fields fix. #210 (@funwithtriangles)
- onMouseDown no longer firing twice for buttons. #172 (@funwithtriangles)
- Fixed annoying overlaps with macros. #103 (@funwithtriangles)
For all changes check out the v0.5.0 Milestone
Releases are available for Windows, Mac and Linux (haven't tested for Linux, sorry! Please raise an issue if something is wrong).