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NFT Crypto Punks Smart Contract

This project was created to research about smart contracts on Solidity to be deployed and executed in EVM.

It uses Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, chai, etc.

Getting Started

1. Install dependencies

After clone the repository just install all dependencies.

npm install

2. Set up .env file

Copy the .env.example file in this directory to .env (which will be ignored by Git)

cp .env.example .env

Then set each variable on .env:

  • ALCHEMY_RINKEBY_URL: The Alchemy URL got from your account.
  • PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of the account being used to deploy contract in Rinkeby testnet (Ethereum).
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY: Etherscan API Key got from Etherscan website.
  • MNEMONIC: Mnemonic of the account being used to deploy contract in Binance Smart Chain Testnet.

3. Run test & coverage

To execute test script just run:

npm run test

It wlll deploy contract to local network, execute all test and finalize destroy everything.

To execute coverage test script just run:

npm run coverage

4. Deploy to testnet

To deploy smart contract to Rinkeby (Ethereum testnet):

npm run deploy:rinkeby

To deploy smart contract to BSC testnet:

npm run deploy:bsc-testnet

Other hardhat commands.

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
node scripts/sample-script.js
npx hardhat help

Steps to release contract (outdated)

  1. contracts > Run test on smart contract
  2. generate > Generate X number of NFT images
  3. ipfs > Upload these images to ipfs using Pinata. Get CID (i.e. QmTiEQ4LLmaMFpsUTbDJthgnCoPygXmiaXRFU8DvsZvUD2)
  4. generate > Update constants.js and set ipfs:// on ipfsImagePath (i.e.
  5. generate > Run script update-image-metadata.js to change image path in all json metadata files.
  6. ipfs > Upload json metadata to Pinata. Get CID
  7. contracts > Update deploy.js to set X as max supply and<CID> as baseURL
  8. contracts > Deploy smart contract
  9. contracts > Verify and validate contracts in Etherscan. Generate flatten using npx hardhat flatten > contract-flatten.sol. Remove all licenses and set only one on top (SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT)
  10. etherscan > Complete form