Web app to test and rank the result of the configuration used for libpointmatcher
Notes :
- Javascript for the frontend
- Python for the backend
- Mongo for the database for users information
It is recommended to use docker, you can use the documentation to install it.
The image needs to be pre-built since it takes some time. The dockerfile script is located in the libpointmatcher folder. The dockerfile script pulls directly from the GitHub repository using this branch :
In the future, this will be changed to an official image.
To start use the command :
docker compose up -d
To stop use the command :
docker compose down
Or the command to stop and remove the containers defined in the 'docker-compose.yml', be cautious when using this command, as it will permanently delete the local images, and you won't be able to bring the containers back up without rebuilding the images.:
docker compose down --rmi local
The project is under the MIT license