This project uses public data about the stock trades made by members of the US House of Representatives. This data is collected and maintained by Timothy Carambat as part of the House Stock Watcher project. The project describes itself as follows:
With recent and ongoing investigations of incumbent congressional members being investigated for potentially violating the STOCK act. This website compiles this publicly available information in a format that is easier to digest then the original PDF source.
Members of Congress must report periodic reports of their asset transactions. This website is purely for an informative purpose and aid in transparency.
This site does not manipluate or censor any of the information from the original source. All data is transcribed by our community of contributors, which you can join for free by going to our transcription tool. Our moderation team takes great care in ensuring the accuracy of the information.
This site is built and maintained by Timothy Carambat and supported with our contributors.
Some interesting questions to consider for this data set include:
- Is there a difference in stock trading behavior between political parties? For example:
- does one party trade more often?
- does one party make larger trades?
- do the two parties invest in different stocks or sectors? For instance, do Democrats invest in Tesla more than Republicans?
- What congresspeople have made the most trades?
- What companies are most traded by congresspeople?
- Is there evidence of insider trading? For example, Boeing stock dropped sharply in February 2020. Were there a suspiciously-high number of sales of Boeing before the drop?
- When are stocks bought and sold? Is there a day of the week that is most common? Or a month of the year?
The full data set of stock trade disclosures is available as a CSV or as JSON at
This data set does not, however, contain the political affiliation of the congresspeople. If you wish to investigate a question that relies on having this information, you'll need to find another dataset that contains it and perform a merge. Hint: Kaggle is a useful source of data sets.
- Clean the data.
- Certain fields have "missing" data that isn't labeled as missing. For example, there are fields with the value "--." Do some exploration to find those values and convert them to null values.
- You may also want to clean up the date columns to enable time-series exploration.
- Understand the data in ways relevant to your question using univariate and bivariate analysis of the data as well as aggregations.
- Assess the missingness per the requirements in
Find a hypothesis test or permutation test to perform. You can use the questions at the top of the notebook for inspiration.
The following notebook analyzes publicly available information regarding stock trades made by US House of Representatives members to reach inferences. We first cleaned up the dataset and combined The 116th U.S. House of Representatives at which contains information regarding political affiliation of congresspeople. Next, we evaluate the dataset's owner
column's missingness association.
After that, we began processing the dataset for insights, and try to explore answers to the following questions:
- Does one party trade more often?
- Does one party make larger trades?
- What congresspeople have made the most trades?
- What companies are most traded by congresspeople?
- When are stocks bought and sold? Is there a day of the week that is most common? Or a month of the year?
After obtaining the complete dataset of stock trade disclosures from, we discover that the data need to be cleaned up since they are fairly untidy. To clean it, we did what is shown below:
- Change
column todatetime
type. - Replace '--' value in
column withnp.NaN
. - Replace '--' value in
column withnp.NaN
. - Convert
to apd.Categorical
The political affiliation of congressmen is missing from the dataset after it has been cleaned up, therefore we choose to utilize one from Kaggle at Due of the distinctions in the names between the two datasets, we combined them using the first and last names of each participant. Then we examine a few rare occurrences and manually resolve them. We were able to successfully integrate stock trade activity with representative political allegiance as an outcome.
Moving on, we process to EDA and find out that:
, andasset_description
are 4 columns that contain missing data, some of the missingness intransaction_date
is because of the incorrect value. For example, there are a few cell with value0009-06-09
which is clearly not a valid date.transaction_date
range between2012-06-19
.- Most of the congresspeople are either from
, there is only one house member who is listed asIndependent
regrading their political affiliation.
- By plotting the value counts of
column, we have discovered that the representative Josh Gottheimer has made the most trades.
- By plotting the value counts of
column, we have discovered that the ticker MSFT, which is Microsoft Corp., has the most trade transactions.
When are stocks bought and sold? Is there a day of the week that is most common? Or a month of the year?
- By grouping the dateset by weekday of
, such that most of the transactions happened during weekdays, while only a tiny amount of transactions are done in weekend. Among weekdays, Thurday seems to have a slightly higher transaction volume. - By grouping the dataset by month of
, we discover that February is the month has largest volume of transactions.
In this section we decided to evaluate the missingness of owner
column as it has the most missing values across all columns. It has values like self
, joint
, dependent
, and np.NaN
. We think the missingness of owner
column could be associated with type
column. This concept arises from the fact that type
describes the sort of transaction that is performed; if the type of transaction is not a stock exchange, it is less likely to fall into the self
, joint
, or dependant
categories and end up as an empty value.
In order to validate this assumption, we have to perform a permutation test. To begin with, we determine the test statistic to be Total Variation Distance (TVD), as type
is a categorical data. Then, we calculate the observed statistic for the original dataset, which is 0.07390
. Afterwards, we shuffle the owner
column and calculate the simulate statistics. By repeating this prcoess for 5,000 times, we then calculate the p-value for this permutation. As a result, we get a p-value of 0.0
which indicates that none of the simulate statistics has a more extreme result than the observed statistics. In conclusion, we conclude that the missingness of owner
is Missing at Random (MAR), and it's dependent on type
column the most.
Null hypothesis: the distribution of trading frequency among congresspeople from different party is the same. The difference between the two observed sample is due to chance.
Alternative hypothesis: the distribution of trading frequency among congresspeople from different party are different.
For the test statistics, we calculate the average trading transactions per month of each party and take the absolute difference between them. The observed statistics is 58.5469
, and we shuffle the party
column and run the permutation test for 5,000 times. At the end, we get a p-value of 0.8756
, which indicates that majority of the permutation test cases have more extreme result than the observed statistics. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, the distribution of trading frequency among congresspeople from various parties is probrably the same.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina' # Higher resolution figures
transactions = pd.read_csv('data/all_transactions.csv')
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
disclosure_year | disclosure_date | transaction_date | owner | ticker | asset_description | type | amount | representative | district | ptr_link | cap_gains_over_200_usd | |
0 | 2021 | 10/04/2021 | 2021-09-27 | joint | BP | BP plc | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Hon. Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False |
1 | 2021 | 10/04/2021 | 2021-09-13 | joint | XOM | Exxon Mobil Corporation | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Hon. Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False |
2 | 2021 | 10/04/2021 | 2021-09-10 | joint | ILPT | Industrial Logistics Properties Trust - Common... | purchase | $15,001 - $50,000 | Hon. Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False |
3 | 2021 | 10/04/2021 | 2021-09-28 | joint | PM | Phillip Morris International Inc | purchase | $15,001 - $50,000 | Hon. Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False |
4 | 2021 | 10/04/2021 | 2021-09-17 | self | BLK | BlackRock Inc | sale_partial | $1,001 - $15,000 | Hon. Alan S. Lowenthal | CA47 | | False |
cleaned = transactions.copy()
# convert `disclosure_date`, `transaction_date` to datetime type
cleaned['disclosure_date'] = pd.to_datetime(cleaned['disclosure_date'])
cleaned['transaction_date'] = pd.to_datetime(cleaned['transaction_date'], errors='coerce')
# change `ticker` null values
cleaned['ticker'] = cleaned['ticker'].replace('--', np.NaN)
# cahnge `owner` null values
cleaned['owner'] = cleaned['owner'].replace('--', np.NaN)
# convert `amount` to categorical type
cleaned['amount'] = pd.Categorical(cleaned['amount'])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 15674 entries, 0 to 15673
Data columns (total 12 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 disclosure_year 15674 non-null int64
1 disclosure_date 15674 non-null datetime64[ns]
2 transaction_date 15667 non-null datetime64[ns]
3 owner 8346 non-null object
4 ticker 14378 non-null object
5 asset_description 15670 non-null object
6 type 15674 non-null object
7 amount 15674 non-null category
8 representative 15674 non-null object
9 district 15674 non-null object
10 ptr_link 15674 non-null object
11 cap_gains_over_200_usd 15674 non-null bool
dtypes: bool(1), category(1), datetime64[ns](2), int64(1), object(7)
memory usage: 1.2+ MB
disclosure_year 0
disclosure_date 0
transaction_date 7
owner 7328
ticker 1296
asset_description 4
type 0
amount 0
representative 0
district 0
ptr_link 0
cap_gains_over_200_usd 0
dtype: int64
# remove unwanted name suffixs
suffixs = ['Hon\\.', 'Mr\\.', 'Mrs\\.', 'None', 'Aston', 'S\\.', 'W\\.']
cleaned['representative'] = (cleaned['representative']
.str.replace('|'.join(suffixs), '', regex=True)
0 Virginia Foxx
1 Virginia Foxx
2 Virginia Foxx
3 Virginia Foxx
4 Alan Lowenthal
Name: representative, dtype: object
# split representative name into `first_name` and `last_name` for later merge
cleaned['first_name'] = cleaned['representative'].apply(lambda x: x.split()[0].lower())
cleaned['last_name'] = cleaned['representative'].apply(lambda x: x.split()[-1].lower())
# fix special cases
cleaned.loc[cleaned['representative'] == 'Neal Patrick Dunn MD, FACS', 'last_name'] = 'dunn'
0 virginia
1 virginia
2 virginia
3 virginia
4 alan
Name: first_name, dtype: object
# import member table 1
members1 = pd.read_csv('data/us-house.csv')
members1 = members1[['party', 'first_name', 'last_name']]
members1['first_name'] = members1['first_name'].str.lower()
members1['last_name'] = members1['last_name'].str.lower()
members1['party'] = members1['party'].str.capitalize()
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
party | first_name | last_name | |
0 | Republican | don | young |
1 | Republican | jerry | carl |
2 | Republican | felix | moore |
3 | Republican | mike | rogers |
4 | Republican | robert | aderholt |
5 | Republican | mo | brooks |
6 | Republican | gary | palmer |
7 | Democrat | terri | sewell |
8 | Republican | rick | crawford |
9 | Republican | french | hill |
# import member table 2
members2 = pd.read_csv('data/house_members_116.csv')
members2['first_name'] = members2['name'].apply(
lambda x: x.split('-')[0].lower())
members2['last_name'] = members2['name'].apply(
lambda x: x.split('-')[-1].lower())
members2 = members2.rename(columns={'current_party': 'party'})[
['first_name', 'last_name', 'party']]
# unify party values
members2.loc[members2['party'] == 'Democratic', 'party'] = 'Democrat'
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
first_name | last_name | party | |
0 | ralph | abraham | Republican |
1 | alma | adams | Democrat |
2 | robert | aderholt | Republican |
3 | pete | aguilar | Democrat |
4 | rick | allen | Republican |
5 | colin | allred | Democrat |
6 | justin | amash | Independent |
7 | mark | amodei | Republican |
8 | kelly | armstrong | Republican |
9 | jodey | arrington | Republican |
# combine 2 member tables
members = (pd.concat([members1, members2])
.sort_values(['first_name', 'last_name'])
.drop_duplicates(subset=['first_name', 'last_name'])
# fix mismatch names
members.loc[members['first_name'] == 'k', 'first_name'] = 'k.'
members.loc[members['first_name'] == 'raul', 'first_name'] = 'raĂşl'
members.loc[members['first_name'] == 'wm', 'first_name'] = 'wm.'
members.loc[members['first_name'] == 'ro', 'first_name'] = 'rohit'
members.loc[members['first_name'] == 'cynthia', 'first_name'] = 'cindy'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'allen', 'first_name'] = 'richard'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'steube', 'first_name'] = 'greg'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'banks', 'first_name'] = 'james'
members.loc[(members['first_name'] == 'j') & (
members['last_name'] == 'hill'), 'first_name'] = 'james'
members.loc[(members['first_name'] == 'mike') & (
members['last_name'] == 'garcia'), 'first_name'] = 'michael'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'crenshaw', 'first_name'] = 'daniel'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'taylor', 'first_name'] = 'nicholas'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'gallagher', 'first_name'] = 'michael'
members.loc[(members['first_name'] == 'gregory') & (
members['last_name'] == 'murphy'), 'first_name'] = 'greg'
members.loc[members['first_name'] == 'ashley', 'last_name'] = 'arenholz'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'buck', 'first_name'] = 'kenneth'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'costa', 'first_name'] = 'james'
members.loc[members['last_name'] == 'hagedorn', 'first_name'] = 'james'
# drop duplicate rows
members = members.drop_duplicates(subset=['first_name', 'last_name'])
# output cleaned representative table
members.to_csv('data/cleaned_members.csv', index=False)
(547, 3)
# transaction table with member info table
combined = cleaned.merge(members, how='left', on=['first_name', 'last_name'])
combined.loc[combined['party'].isna(), 'representative'].unique()
array([], dtype=object)
(15674, 15)
(15674, 12)
combined.to_csv('data/combined_transactions.csv', index=False)
combined['disclosure_year'].plot(kind='hist', density=True, bins=range(2019,2025,1));
disclosure_year 0
disclosure_date 0
transaction_date 7
owner 7328
ticker 1296
asset_description 4
type 0
amount 0
representative 0
district 0
ptr_link 0
cap_gains_over_200_usd 0
first_name 0
last_name 0
party 0
dtype: int64
array(['joint', 'self', nan, 'dependent'], dtype=object)
def make_dist(df, missing_col, col):
dist = (
.assign(**{f'{missing_col}_null': df[missing_col].isna()})
.pivot_table(index=col, columns=f'{missing_col}_null', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0)
dist = dist / dist.sum()
dist.plot(kind='barh', legend=True, title=f"{col.capitalize()} by Missingness of {missing_col.capitalize()}")
return dist
def calc_tvd(df, missing_col, col):
dist = (
.assign(**{f'{missing_col}_null': df[missing_col].isna()})
.pivot_table(index=col, columns=f'{missing_col}_null', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0)
dist = dist / dist.sum()
return dist.diff(axis=1).iloc[:, -1].abs().sum() / 2
def missingness_perm_test(df, missing_col, col):
shuffled = df.copy()
shuffled[f'{missing_col}_null'] = shuffled[missing_col].isna()
make_dist(df, missing_col, col)
obs_tvd = calc_tvd(df, missing_col, col)
n_repetitions = 1000
tvds = []
for _ in range(n_repetitions):
# Shuffling genders and assigning back to the DataFrame
shuffled[col] = np.random.permutation(shuffled[col])
# Computing and storing TVD
tvd = calc_tvd(shuffled, missing_col, col)
tvds = np.array(tvds)
pval = np.mean(tvds >= obs_tvd)
# Draw the p-value graph
pd.Series(tvds).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=10, title=f'p-value: {pval}', label='Simulated TVDs')
plt.axvline(x=obs_tvd, color='red', linewidth=4, label='Observed TVD')
return obs_tvd, pval
obs_tvd, pval = missingness_perm_test(combined, 'owner', 'type')
shuffled = combined.copy()
shuffled['owner_null'] = shuffled['owner'].isna()
n_repetitions = 1000
tvds = []
for _ in range(n_repetitions):
# Shuffling genders and assigning back to the DataFrame
shuffled['type'] = np.random.permutation(shuffled['type'])
# Computing and storing TVD
pivoted = (
.pivot_table(index='type', columns='owner_null', aggfunc='size')
.apply(lambda x: x / x.sum(), axis=0)
tvd = pivoted.diff(axis=1).iloc[:, -1].abs().sum() / 2
tvds = np.array(tvds)
array([0.00394066, 0.01337585, 0.01542276, 0.00559226, 0.01175366,
0.00862066, 0.00919086, 0.00751793, 0.00661405, 0.01520279])
pval = np.mean(tvds >= obs_tvd)
pd.Series(tvds).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=10, title=f'p-value: {pval}', label='Simulated TVDs')
plt.axvline(x=obs_tvd, color='red', linewidth=4, label='Observed TVD')
So we conclude that the missingness of owner
is MAR, and it's dependent on type
column the most.
Null hypothesis: the distribution of trading frequency among congresspeople from different party is the same. The difference between the two observed sample is due to chance.
Alternative hypothesis: the distribution of trading frequency among congresspeople from different party are different.
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
disclosure_year | disclosure_date | transaction_date | owner | ticker | asset_description | type | amount | representative | district | ptr_link | cap_gains_over_200_usd | first_name | last_name | party | |
0 | 2021 | 2021-10-04 | 2021-09-27 | joint | BP | BP plc | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False | virginia | foxx | Republican |
1 | 2021 | 2021-10-04 | 2021-09-13 | joint | XOM | Exxon Mobil Corporation | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False | virginia | foxx | Republican |
2 | 2021 | 2021-10-04 | 2021-09-10 | joint | ILPT | Industrial Logistics Properties Trust - Common... | purchase | $15,001 - $50,000 | Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False | virginia | foxx | Republican |
3 | 2021 | 2021-10-04 | 2021-09-28 | joint | PM | Phillip Morris International Inc | purchase | $15,001 - $50,000 | Virginia Foxx | NC05 | | False | virginia | foxx | Republican |
4 | 2021 | 2021-10-04 | 2021-09-17 | self | BLK | BlackRock Inc | sale_partial | $1,001 - $15,000 | Alan Lowenthal | CA47 | | False | alan | lowenthal | Democrat |
df = combined.assign(transaction_year=combined['transaction_date'].dt.year,
df = (
.groupby(['transaction_year', 'transaction_month', 'party'])[['representative']]
democrat_stats = df.loc[df['party'] == 'Democrat', 'representative'].sum() / (df['party'] == 'Democrat').sum()
republican_stats = df.loc[df['party'] == 'Republican', 'representative'].sum() / (df['party'] == 'Republican').sum()
obs_stats = abs(democrat_stats - republican_stats)
shuffled = combined.assign(transaction_year=combined['transaction_date'].dt.year,
n_repetitions = 5000
stats = []
for _ in range(n_repetitions):
# Shuffling genders and assigning back to the DataFrame
shuffled['party'] = np.random.permutation(shuffled['party'])
# Computing and storing TVD
pivoted = (
.groupby(['transaction_year', 'transaction_month', 'party'])[['representative']]
democrat_stats = pivoted.loc[pivoted['party'] == 'Democrat', 'representative'].sum() / (pivoted['party'] == 'Democrat').sum()
republican_stats = pivoted.loc[pivoted['party'] == 'Republican', 'representative'].sum() / (pivoted['party'] == 'Republican').sum()
stats.append(abs(democrat_stats - republican_stats))
stats = np.array(stats)
pval = np.mean(stats >= obs_stats)
pd.Series(stats).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=10, title=f'p-value: {pval}', label='Simulated Stats')
plt.axvline(x=obs_stats, color='red', linewidth=4, label='Observed Stats')
The p-value of the permutation test is 0.8722
, which is way larger the the 0.05
. Thus, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, which means that distribution of trading frequency among congresspeople from different party may be the same.
df = combined.assign(transaction_year=combined['transaction_date'].dt.year,
df = (
.groupby(['transaction_year', 'transaction_month', 'party'])[['representative']]
democrat_stats = df.loc[df['party'] == 'Democrat', 'representative'].sum() / (df['party'] == 'Democrat').sum()
republican_stats = df.loc[df['party'] == 'Republican', 'representative'].sum() / (df['party'] == 'Republican').sum()
democrat_stats, republican_stats
(178.2, 119.65306122448979)
obs_stats = abs(democrat_stats - republican_stats)
shuffled = combined.assign(transaction_year=combined['transaction_date'].dt.year,
n_repetitions = 5000
stats = []
for _ in range(n_repetitions):
# Shuffling genders and assigning back to the DataFrame
shuffled['party'] = np.random.permutation(shuffled['party'])
# Computing and storing TVD
pivoted = (
.groupby(['transaction_year', 'transaction_month', 'party'])[['representative']]
democrat_stats = pivoted.loc[pivoted['party'] == 'Democrat', 'representative'].sum() / (pivoted['party'] == 'Democrat').sum()
republican_stats = pivoted.loc[pivoted['party'] == 'Republican', 'representative'].sum() / (pivoted['party'] == 'Republican').sum()
stats.append(abs(democrat_stats - republican_stats))
stats = np.array(stats)
array([59.98214286, 72.09833091, 70.87735849, 65.37517483, 74.30188679,
57.72 , 55.32653061, 68.71225071, 60.90181818, 65.33776224])
pval = np.mean(stats >= obs_stats)
pd.Series(stats).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=10, title=f'p-value: {pval}', label='Simulated Stats')
plt.axvline(x=obs_stats, color='red', linewidth=4, label='Observed Stats')
ser1 = (
.groupby('party')['transaction_date'].agg(['min', 'max'])
.iloc[:, -1]
.apply(lambda x: x.days)
ser2 = combined.groupby('party')['representative'].count()
ser2 / ser1
Democrat 2.596398
Independent inf
Republican 3.725079
dtype: float64
df2 = combined.groupby('party')['representative'].count()
def calc_test_statistics(df):
counts = df.groupby('party')['representative'].count()
ranges = (
.groupby('party')['transaction_date'].agg(['min', 'max'])
.iloc[:, -1]
.apply(lambda x: x.days)
result = counts / ranges
return abs(result['Democrat'] - result['Republican'])
def permutation_test(df, n_repetitions=1000):
shuffled = df.copy()
obs_stats = calc_test_statistics(shuffled)
sim_stats = []
for _ in range(n_repetitions):
# Shuffling genders and assigning back to the DataFrame
shuffled['party'] = np.random.permutation(shuffled['party'])
# Computing and storing TVD
stats = calc_test_statistics(shuffled)
sim_stats = np.array(sim_stats)
pval = np.mean(sim_stats >= obs_stats)
pd.Series(sim_stats).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=20, title=f'p-value: {pval}', label='Simulated Stats')
plt.axvline(x=obs_stats, color='red', linewidth=4, label='Observed Stats')
return pval, sim_stats
pval, sim_stats = permutation_test(combined)
array([3.49204486, 4.5007299 , 0.74758808, 1.03989987, 4.19301549,
0.85884316, 3.71209501, 0.81663253, 0.58560186, 0.96367451])
sim_stats.min(), sim_stats.max()
(0.4204057417960114, 4.691782988465429)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
disclosure_year | disclosure_date | transaction_date | owner | ticker | asset_description | type | amount | representative | district | ptr_link | cap_gains_over_200_usd | first_name | last_name | party | |
10586 | 2021 | 2021-08-26 | 2012-06-19 | NaN | BLFSD | BioLife Solutions Inc | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Tom Malinowski | NJ07 | | False | tom | malinowski | Democrat |
11456 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2017-09-05 | NaN | SUP | Superior Industries International Inc Common S... | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11437 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2017-12-06 | NaN | CAT | Caterpillar Inc | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11436 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2018-04-17 | NaN | BA | Boeing Company | purchase | $15,001 - $50,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11442 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2018-04-30 | NaN | CTRL | Control4 Corporation | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11453 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2018-05-08 | NaN | GE | General Electric Company | sale_full | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11443 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2018-06-27 | NaN | CRTL | Control4 Corporation | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11455 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2018-06-27 | NaN | IBM | International Business Machines Corporation | sale_full | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
11457 | 2022 | 2022-03-03 | 2018-06-27 | NaN | VZ | Verizon Communications Inc | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Thomas Suozzi | NY03 | | False | thomas | suozzi | Democrat |
4285 | 2021 | 2021-09-28 | 2018-09-08 | dependent | NaN | iSelect Fund B St. Louis Inc | purchase | $1,001 - $15,000 | Roger Marshall | KS01 | | False | roger | marshall | Republican |
def to_weekday(x):
day = x.weekday()
if day == 0:
return 'Monday'
elif day == 1:
return 'Tuesday'
elif day == 2:
return 'Wednesday'
elif day == 3:
return 'Thursday'
elif day == 4:
return 'Friday'
elif day == 5:
return 'Saturday'
return 'Sunday'
df = combined.assign(weekday=combined['transaction_date'].apply(to_weekday))
df.groupby('weekday').count().rename(columns={'transaction_date': 'count'})[['count']]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
count | |
weekday | |
Friday | 3079 |
Monday | 3059 |
Saturday | 48 |
Sunday | 27 |
Thursday | 3358 |
Tuesday | 3021 |
Wednesday | 3075 |
df = combined.assign(month=combined['transaction_date'].dt.month)
df.groupby('month').count().rename(columns={'transaction_date': 'count'})[['count']]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
count | |
month | |
1.0 | 1561 |
2.0 | 2110 |
3.0 | 2081 |
4.0 | 1438 |
5.0 | 1006 |
6.0 | 1485 |
7.0 | 971 |
8.0 | 972 |
9.0 | 1056 |
10.0 | 856 |
11.0 | 1131 |
12.0 | 1000 |