A Bundler for ES6 Code wich uses importmaps
- bundle multiple HTML files, find common used same files, bundle to different files
- addons for example for LIT, BaseCustomWebcomponent, ...
- support import attributes (treat import asstertions the same way)
visitor for esprima (look at esprima.net)
write back of AST to JS code (look at esprima.net)
patch esprima-next with patches from esprima.net
parse javascript, and refactor imports to code like in cc.ts
make strategy for the resulting importname
make css imports
make json imports
extension interface for each import (and how to rewrite)
ignor specific files
ignore https://github.com/WICG/import-maps?tab=readme-ov-file#multiple-versions-of-the-same-module for the moment