What's Changed
- Bumped ChangeLog to 1.0.7
- Updated Windows App SDK to 1.2.221209.1
- Several Inbox Scripts Created (These are pretty rough and will be improved at a later time)
- Numerous UI bug fixes (close machine info pane when going to settings, margin for script expanders to avoid scrollbar issue)
- Theme now uses Mica, still fully supported by Light/Dark modes
- Added support for "Default" color to match system for categories
- If white/light mode or black/dark mode is used for a category color it will automatically be flipped to the opposite for visibility
- Added a few future placeholders for upcoming items (Dashboard, All Scripts view)
- Added 2 new properties to the script XML: dateAdded and featured (Will add further support for these in the future)
- Updated ReadMe to reflect 1.2.2 for Windows App SDK redist required version (Also inadvertently should avoid the prior versioning issue with 1.1.5)
- Updated ReadMe with fresh pictures
- Improved resource consumption and efficiency by only loading category Pages once instead of generating on the fly once clicked