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Marko Njegomir edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the alpha-beta-pruning-minmax-checkers wiki!

Starting the game

To start the game run the file. You can use this command.




Forced captures

If you enable forced captures, if there are available opponent figures that you can capture you will be forced to do it. No other move is available other than the available captures if there are any.

When there is a forced move, pieces that have forced moves available will be highlighted.

Choosing a piece or field

Enter the row and column number of the piece you want to select. Your input should not contain spaces between row and column numbers and should look something like this for the 7th row and 2nd column


Once the piece is selected, available fields will be highlighted and their coordinates will be displayed on the board to allow for an easier input.

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