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Repo for store configuration in Microsoft SqlServer with Ocelot
Windows (AppVeyor) Linux & OSX (Travis)
This package adds Microsoft SQL Server support to Ocelot configuration.
Install Niyw.Ocelot.Provider.SqlServer and it's dependencies using NuGet.
Install-Package Niyw.Ocelot.Provider.SqlServer
Or via the .NET Core CLI:
dotnet add package Niyw.Ocelot.Provider.SqlServer
All versions can be found here
- cd to 'test\OcelotApiGw' forder, via the .NET Core CLI:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialOcelotConfigDbMigration -c OcelotConfigDbContext -o DbMigrations/OcelotConfigDb
- Lunch Project OcelotApiGw
Get some ideas from Ocelot.Provider.Consul