We are releasing our mesh editing tool as open-source software to facilitate efficient mesh trimming. Unlike existing tools like CloudCompare and Open3D, which simply remove triangles outside or inside AOi, leading a rough boundary, our tool takes a more precise approach. It carefully splits triangles that intersect with the AOI into smaller sub-triangles, ensuring a smooth clipping boundary.
- Support keeping the inside part or outside part mesh.
- Support multiple cropping at the same time.
- Time complexity: O(N+k), where N is the number of triangles within the mesh and k is the number of triangles intersecting with the AOI.
- AOI format: rectangle.
Trimming.exe aoi_info.txt keep_aoi[0: keep outside part, 1:keep inside part]
crop_info_txt: each line contains seven elements including output_path, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
(a) Overall pipeline
(b) Intersection types summary
Ningli Xu: [email protected] , website