A collection of data and code used for the Scientific Computation with Python - MAS2806-PHY2039 lectures at Newcastle University, fall 2022. The course is tailored for second year undergrad students of maths, stats and physics with little to no computing/coding background.
Video tutorials that follow each level of spyciness (pun intended) can be found on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLh9Doml-QAqdPUCEt3Y0-0p-iAmcQA8G.
I welcome any/all suggestions in order to improve the code (or correct the typos). Feel free to use the code for educational purposes (do not forget to give credit).
The streamlit app is accesible here: https://nikosarcevic-computingcourse2022-streamlit-app-wk8ohe.streamlit.app (works on all devices)