A script that can scrape top anime list, their details, reviews and user recommendations from MyAnimeList.net
MyAnimeList often abbreviated as MAL, is an anime and manga social networking and social cataloging application website. The site provides its users with a list-like system to organize and score anime and manga. It facilitates finding users who share similar tastes and provides a large database of anime and manga.
MAL stores information about over 17.5k anime and manga and has a vibrant community passionate about the same. It has multiple reviews and ranking for anime and is the go-to for Otakus worldwide for anime information.
This scraped dataset contains many different data attributes of the anime, such as:
- Score, Popularity, and No. of followers, members of the Anime in MAL.
- Current Status (still airing or finished), Episodes aired, Airing date, Duration of each episode.
- Producers, Studio, Licensors of the anime.
- Genre, Rating, Type of anime.
- Summary of the anime.
- Reviews with ratings on different criteria.
- Recommendations of anime from users if you've watched a specific anime.
- To provide further information in regards to the aspects that make an anime successful from a user or profit perspective, and it can be analyzed to understand how to improve the popularity of an anime.
- The Review data can be used to build a classification or sentiment analysis algorithm.
- The Recommendation data can be used to make a recommender model for anime.