This gem aims to facilitate the communication with Facebook's Account Kit. It implements the server side described in the official docs.
As of now it's assuming you have enabled Require app secret
in your Account Kit page.
It only uses the core modules available as part of Ruby (so nothing too crazy in here 😬...)
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'facebook-account-kit'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install facebook-account-kit
Somewhere in your application (probably as part of a new initializer
) you should add the following:
require 'facebook/account_kit'
Facebook::AccountKit.config do |c|
c.account_kit_version = 'v1.0' # or any other valid account kit api version
c.account_kit_app_secret = 'your account kit secret'
c.facebook_app_id = 'your facebook app id'
All of that information you can find as part of your Facebook app's dashboard
and account kit
The process of communicating with Facebook is divided into two steps.
During the first one you will use the code
(AKA authorization code
) that the client provided in exchange for an access_token
client_code = params[:code] # this depends on how your controller was implemented
token_exchanger =
access_token = token_exchanger.fetch_access_token
...and with that access token you can request for the user information:
user =
There are different targets in the Makefile to help you to run the tests:
- Run all tests:
make test
- Run unit tests:
make test.unit
- Run integration tests:
make test.integration
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at