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NI RFSG Generation Configuration: Burst Location, Marker Event, & Configuring Lists

IPetersNI edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 1 revision

Burst Location


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_SetWaveformBurstStartLocations ComplexI16 (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, ViInt32 numberOfLocations, ViReal64* locations);


Configures the burst start locations of waveform that you specify in the locations parameter.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
channelName ViConstString

Specifies the waveform name and the marker name.



numberOfLocations NIComplexI16[] Specifies the size of the burst start locations array.
locations ViReal64 Specifies the burst start locations to store in the NI-RFSG session.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_SetWaveformBurstStopLocations (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, ViInt32 numberOfLocations, ViReal64* locations);


Configures the burst stop locations of waveform that you specify in the locations parameter.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
channelName ViConstString

Specifies the waveform name and the marker name.



numberOfLocations ViInt32 Specifies the size of the burst stop locations array.
locations ViReal64 Specifies the burst stop locations to store in the NI-RFSG session.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_GetWaveformBurstStartLocations (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, ViInt32 numberOfLocations, ViReal64* locations, ViInt32*  requiredSize);


Returns the burst start locations of the waveform stored in the NI-RFSG session.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
channelName ViConstString

Specifies the waveform name and the marker name.



data NIComplexI16[] Specifies the size of the burst start locations array.
Name Type Description
locations ViReal64 Returns the burst start locations stored in the NI-RFSG session for the waveform that you specified in the channelName parameter..
requiredSize ViInt32* Returns the required size for the output array if you pass NULL to Locations parameter.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_GetWaveformBurstStopLocations (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, ViInt32 numberOfLocations, ViReal64* locations, ViInt32*  requiredSize);


Returns the burst stop locations of the waveform stored in the NI-RFSG session.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
channelName ViConstString

Specifies the waveform name and the marker name.



numberOfLocations NIComplexI16[] Specifies the size of the burst stop locations array.
Name Type Description
locations ViReal64 Returns the burst stop locations stored in the NI-RFSG session for the waveform that you specified in the channelName parameter.
requiredSize ViInt32* Returns the required size for the output array if you pass NULL to Locations parameter.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Marker Event


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_SetWaveformMarkerEventLocations (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, ViInt32 numberOfLocations, ViReal64* locations);


Configures the marker locations associated with waveform and marker in the NI-RFSG session.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
channelName ViConstString

Specifies the waveform name and the marker name.



numberOfLocations NIComplexI16[] Specifies the size of the locations array.
locations ViReal64 Specifies the marker location to store in the NI-RFSG database.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_GetWaveformMarkerEventLocations (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, ViInt32 numberOfLocations, ViReal64* locations, ViInt32*  requiredSize);


Returns the marker locations associated with the waveform and the marker stored in the NI-RFSG session.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
channelName ViConstString

Specifies the waveform name and the marker name.



numberOfLocations NIComplexI16[] Specifies the size of the locations array.
Name Type Description
locations ViReal64 Returns the marker locations stored in the NI-RFSG database for the channel you specified in the channelName parameter.
requiredSize ViInt32* Returns the required size for the output array if you pass NULL to Locations parameter.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Configure List


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_CreateConfigurationList (ViSession vi, ViConstString listName, ViInt32 numberOfAttributes, const ViAttr configurationListAttributes[], ViBoolean setAsActiveList);


Creates an empty configuration list. Use the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST attribute to enable a configuration list created by this function. Call the niRFSG_CreateConfigurationListStep function to add steps to the configuration list.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXIe-5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

RF List Mode

Using RF List Mode


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
listName ViConstString Specifies the name of the configuration list. This string is case-insensitive and alphanumeric, and it cannot contain spaces or use reserved words.
numberOfAttributes const ViInt32 Specifies size of the configurationListAttributes parameter.
configurationListAttributes const ViAttr[] Specifies the attributes that you intend to change between configuration list steps. Calling the niRFSG_CreateConfigurationList function allocates space for each of the configuration list attributes. When you use an NI-RFSG Set attribute function to set one of the attributes in the configuration list, that attribute is set for one of the configuration list steps. Use the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST_STEP attribute to specify which configuration list step to configure.

You can include the following attributes in your configuration list based on your device:
Attribute PXIe5644/5646 PXIe5645 PXIe5650/5651/5652 PXIe5653 PXIe5654 PXIe5654/5654 with PXIe5696 PXIe5673E PXIe5820 PXIe5830/5831/5832 PXIe5840/5841
Name Type Description
setAsActiveList ViBoolean Sets this list as the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST attribute when this parameter is enabled. NI recommends that you set this parameter to VI_TRUE when creating the list.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_CreateConfigurationListStep (ViSession vi, ViBoolean setAsActiveStep);


Creates a new configuration list step in the configuration list specified by the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST attribute. When you create a configuration list step, a new instance of each attribute specified by the configuration list attributes is created. Configuration list attributes are specified when a configuration list is created. The new instance of an attribute can be accessed with any Set attribute function using the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST and NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST_STEP attributes.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXIe-5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

RF List Mode

Using RF List Mode


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
setAsActiveStep ViBoolean Sets this step as the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST_STEP attribute list specified by the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST attribute. NI recommends that you set this parameter to VI_TRUE when creating the list steps.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_CheckIfConfigurationListExists (ViSession vi, ViConstString listName, ViBoolean* listExists);


Returns whether the configuration list that you specify as listName exists.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXIe-5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
listName ViConstString Specifies the name of the configuration list. This string is case-insensitive.
Name Type Description
listExists ViBoolean* Returns VI_TRUE if the configuration list exists.

Defined Values:
VI_TRUE The configuration list exists.
VI_FALSE The configuration list does not exist.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niRFSG_DeleteConfigurationList (ViSession vi, ViConstString listName);


Deletes a previously created configuration list and all the configuration list steps in the specified configuration list. When a configuration list step is deleted, all the instances of the attributes associated with the configuration list step are also removed. When you delete the active configuration list, NI-RFSG automatically resets the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST attribute to "" (empty string), which indicates no list is active, and the NIRFSG_ATTR_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_LIST_STEP attribute to 0.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXIe-5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

RF List Mode


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session. The ViSession handle is obtained from the niRFSG_init function or the niRFSG_InitWithOptions function and identifies a particular instrument session.
listName ViConstString Specifies the name of the configuration list. This string is case-insensitive and alphanumeric, and it cannot contain spaces or use reserved words.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status ViStatus

Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

To obtain a text description of the error code, call the niRFSG_GetError function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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