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NI RFSA Triggers Attributes

Greg Stoll edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Triggers Attributes



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W None


Specifies whether you want the Start Trigger to be a digital edge or software trigger.

Note Note  Set this attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_NONE if you set the NIRFSA_ATTR_ACQUISITION_TYPE attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_SPECTRUM or if you set the acquisitionType parameter to NIRFSA_VAL_SPECTRUM using the cviniRFSA_ConfigureAcquisitionType function.
Defined Values:
NIRFSA_VAL_NONE (600) No Start Trigger is configured.
NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE (601) The Start Trigger is not asserted until a digital edge is detected. The source of the digital edge is specified with the NIRFSA_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_START_TRIGGER_SOURCE attribute.
NIRFSA_VAL_SOFTWARE (604) The Start Trigger is not asserted until a software trigger occurs. You can assert the software trigger by calling the niRFSA_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function and selecting NIRFSA_VAL_START_TRIGGER as the value of the trigger parameter.
Default Value: NIRFSA_VAL_NONE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Digital Edge


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ConfigureDigitalEdgeStartTrigger


Specifies the source terminal for the Start Trigger. This attribute is used only when the NIRFSA_ATTR_START_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The trigger is received on PFI 0. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the trigger is received on the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The trigger is received on PFI 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR ("PXIe_DStarB") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_TIMER_EVENT_STR ("TimerEvent") The trigger is received from the Timer Event. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, and for digital edge Advance Triggers on the PXIe-5663E/5665.
Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W niRFSA_ConfigureDigitalEdgeStartTrigger


Specifies the active edge for the Start Trigger. This attribute is used only when the NIRFSA_ATTR_START_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE.

Defined and Valid Values:

Value Description Valid For
NIRFSA_VAL_RISING_EDGE (900) The trigger asserts on the rising edge of the signal. PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668
NIRFSA_VAL_FALLING_EDGE (901) The trigger asserts on the falling edge of the signal PXIe-5668

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics




Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ExportSignal


Specifies the destination terminal for the exported Start Trigger.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR ("") The signal is not exported.
NIRFSA_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR ("ClkOut") The signal is exported to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
NIRFSA_VAL_REF_OUT_STR ("RefOut") The signal is exported to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXI/PXIe-5652 and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR ("RefOut2") The signal is exported to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists on only the PXIe-5652.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The signal is exported to the PFI 0 connector. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the signal is exported to the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The signal is exported to the PFI 1 connector on the PXI-5142 and PXIe-5622.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The signal is exported to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR ("PXIe_DStarC") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString RO niRFSA_GetTerminalName


Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

Default Values:

PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/StartTrigger, where BasebandModule is the name of the baseband module of your device in MAX.

PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/StartTrigger, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.

All other devices: /DigitizerName/StartTrigger, where DigitizerName is the name associated with your digitizer module in MAX.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics




Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W None


Specifies whether you want the Reference Trigger to be a digital edge, I/Q power edge, or software trigger.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_NONE (600) No Reference Trigger is configured.
NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE (601) The Reference Trigger is not asserted until a digital edge is detected. The source of the digital edge is specified with the NIRFSA_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_REF_TRIGGER_SOURCE attribute.
NIRFSA_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE (603) The Reference Trigger is asserted when the signal is changing past the level specified with the slope (rising or falling) configured with the NIRFSA_ATTR_IQ_POWER_EDGE_REF_TRIGGER_SLOPE attribute.
NIRFSA_VAL_SOFTWARE_EDGE (604) The Reference Trigger is not asserted until a software trigger occurs. You can assert the software trigger by calling the niRFSA_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function and selecting NIRFSA_VAL_REF_TRIGGER as the trigger parameter.
NIRFSA_VAL_IQ_ANALOG_EDGE (605) The Reference Trigger is asserted when the I or Q signal is changed past the level specified with the slope configured with the NIRFSA_ATTR_IQ_ANALOG_EDGE_REF_TRIGGER_SLOPE attribute. This value is valid only for PXIe-5644/5645 devices.
Default Value: NIRFSA_VAL_NONE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5840/5841

Related Topics



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt64 R/W niRFSA_ConfigureDigitalEdgeRefTrigger


Specifies the number of pretrigger samples—the samples acquired before the Reference Trigger is received—to be acquired per record.

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViReal64 R/W None


Specifies a time duration, in seconds, for which the signal must be quiet before the device arms the trigger. The signal is quiet when it is below the trigger level if the trigger slope, specified by the NIRFSA_ATTR_IQ_POWER_EDGE_REF_TRIGGER_SLOPE attribute, is set to NIRFSA_VAL_RISING_SLOPE or when it is above the trigger level if the trigger slope is set to NIRFSA_VAL_FALLING_SLOPE.

By default, this value is set to 0, which means the device does not wait for a quiet time before arming the trigger. This attribute is useful to trigger the acquisition on signals containing repeated bursts, but for which each burst may have large changes in signal power within itself. By configuring the minimum quiet time to the time between bursts, you can ensure that the trigger occurs at the beginning of a burst rather than at the signal power change within a burst.

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Ref Digital Edge


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ConfigureDigitalEdgeRefTrigger


Specifies the source terminal for the digital edge Reference Trigger. This attribute is used only when the NIRFSA_ATTR_REF_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The trigger is received on PFI 0. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the trigger is received on the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The trigger is received on PFI 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line. This value is not supported by the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR ("PXIe_DStarB") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_TIMER_EVENT_STR ("TimerEvent") The trigger is received from the Timer Event. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, and for digital edge Advance Triggers on the PXIe-5663E/5665/5667.
Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W niRFSA_ConfigureDigitalEdgeRefTrigger


Specifies the active edge for the Reference Trigger. This attribute is used only when the NIRFSA_ATTR_REF_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_RISING_EDGE (900) The trigger asserts on the rising edge of the signal.
NIRFSA_VAL_FALLING_EDGE (901) The trigger asserts on the falling edge of the signal

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


IQ Power Edge


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ConfigureIQPowerEdgeRefTrigger


Specifies the channel from which the device monitors the trigger. NI-RFSA currently supports only 0 as the value of this attribute.

Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViReal64 R/W niRFSA_ConfigureIQPowerEdgeRefTrigger


Specifies the power level, in dBm, at which the device triggers. The device asserts the trigger when the signal crosses the level specified by the value of this attribute, taking into consideration the specified slope. If you are using external gain, refer to the NIRFSA_ATTR_EXTERNAL_GAIN attribute for more information about how this attribute affects the I/Q power edge trigger level.

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5840/5841

Related Topics



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W niRFSA_ConfigureIQPowerEdgeRefTrigger


Specifies whether the device asserts the trigger when the signal power is rising or falling. When you set the NIRFSA_ATTR_REF_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE, the device asserts the trigger when the signal power exceeds the specified level with the slope you specify.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_RISING_SLOPE (1000) The trigger asserts when the signal power is rising.
NIRFSA_VAL_FALLING_SLOPE (1001) The trigger asserts when the signal power is falling.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Ref Export


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ExportSignal


Specifies the destination terminal for the exported Reference Trigger.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR ("") The signal is not exported.
NIRFSA_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR ("ClkOut") The signal is exported to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
NIRFSA_VAL_REF_OUT_STR ("RefOut") The signal is exported to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXI/PXIe-5652 and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR ("RefOut2") The signal is exported to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists on only the PXIe-5652.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The signal is exported to the PFI 0 connector. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the signal is exported to the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The signal is exported to the PFI 1 connector on the PXI-5142 and PXIe-5622.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The signal is exported to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR ("PXIe_DStarC") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString RO niRFSA_GetTerminalName


Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

Default Values:

PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/RefTrigger, where BasebandModule is the name of your baseband module of your device in MAX.

PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/RefTrigger, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.

All other devices: /DigitizerName/RefTrigger, where DigitizerName is the name associated with your digitizer module in MAX.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Ref Advanced


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViReal64 R/W None


Specifies the trigger delay time, in seconds. The trigger delay time is the length of time the IF digitizer waits after it receives the trigger before it asserts the Reference Event.

Units: seconds

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViReal64 R/W None


Specifies the minimum time, in seconds, that must elapse after the Start Trigger is received before the device recognizes a Reference Trigger.

Units: seconds

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViReal64 R/W None


Specifies the minimum time, in seconds, that must elapse between Reference Triggers of two records. The device does not recognize the Reference Trigger of the next record before this minimum time elapses.

Units: seconds

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W None


Specifies whether the digitizer OSP block delays Reference Triggers, along with the data samples, moving through the OSP block or if the Reference Triggers bypass the OSP block and are processed immediately.

Enabling this attribute requires the following equipment configurations:

  • All digitizers being used must be the same model and hardware revision.
  • All digitizers must use the same firmware.
  • All digitizers must be configured with the same I/Q rate.
  • All devices must use the same signal path.

PXIe-5663/5663E—Read the value of the NIRFSA_ATTR_IF_FILTER attribute to determine the IF filters used by the PXIe-5663/5663E.

PXIe-5665/5667/5668—Refer to the device-specific information in the NIRFSA_ATTR_DEVICE_INSTANTANEOUS_BANDWIDTH attribute to determine the IF filters used by the PXIe-5665/5667/5668. If you set the NIRFSA_ATTR_FFT_WIDTH attribute, refer to the device-specific information for this attribute and the NIRFSA_ATTR_DEVICE_INSTANTANEOUS_BANDWIDTH attribute to determine the IF filters used. For frequencies less than 3.6 GHz, set the NIRFSA_ATTR_RF_PREAMP_ENABLED to the same value for all devices.

PXIe-5665 14 GHz—Set the NIRFSA_ATTR_PRESELECTOR_ENABLED to the same value for all devices.

If the I/Q rate is set programmatically for I/Q acquisitions, the following attributes should be identical for the best device synchronization:

For spectrum acquisitions, the following attributes should be identical for the best device synchronization:

For more information about the digitizer OSP block and Reference Triggers, refer to the following topics in the NI High-Speed Digitizers Help:

  • NI 5622 Onboard Signal Processing (OSP)
  • NI 5142 Onboard Signal Processing (OSP)
  • NI PXIe-5622 Trigger Sources
  • NI PXI-5142 Trigger Sources
  • NI PXIe-5622 Block Diagram
  • NI PXI-5142 Trigger Sources

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_DISABLED (1900) The Reference Triggers bypass the OSP block and are processed immediately.
NIRFSA_VAL_ENABLED (1901) The Reference Triggers, along with the data samples, are delayed through the digitizer OSP block.

Supported Devices:PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841



Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W None


Specifies whether you want the Advance Trigger to be a digital edge or software trigger.

Note Note  Set this attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_NONE if you set the NIRFSA_ATTR_ACQUISITION_TYPE attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_SPECTRUM or if you set the acquisitionType parameter to NIRFSA_VAL_SPECTRUM using the niRFSA_ConfigureAcquisitionType function.
Defined Values:
NIRFSA_VAL_NONE (600) No Advance Trigger is configured.
NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE (601) The Advance Trigger is not asserted until a digital edge is detected. The source of the digital edge is specified with the NIRFSA_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_SOURCE attribute.
NIRFSA_VAL_SOFTWARE (604) The Advance Trigger is not asserted until a software trigger occurs. You can assert the software trigger by calling the niRFSA_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function and selecting NIRFSA_VAL_ADVANCE_TRIGGER as the trigger parameter.
Default Value: NIRFSA_VAL_NONE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Advance Digital Edge


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ConfigureDigitalEdgeAdvanceTrigger


Specifies the source terminal for the Advance Trigger. This attribute is used only when the NIRFSA_ATTR_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The trigger is received on PFI 0. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the trigger is received on the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The trigger is received on PFI 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR ("PXIe_DStarB") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_TIMER_EVENT_STR ("TimerEvent") The trigger is received from the Timer Event. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, and for digital edge Advance Triggers on the PXIe-5663E/5665.
Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Advance Export


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W niRFSA_ExportSignal


Specifies the destination terminal for the exported Advance Trigger.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR ("") The signal is not exported.
NIRFSA_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR ("ClkOut") The signal is exported to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
NIRFSA_VAL_REF_OUT_STR ("RefOut") The signal is exported to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXI/PXIe-5652 and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR ("RefOut2") The signal is exported to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists on only the PXIe-5652.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The signal is exported to the PFI 0 connector. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the signal is exported to the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The signal is exported to the PFI 1 connector on the PXI-5142 and PXIe-5622.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The signal is exported to the PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The signal is exported to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR ("PXIe_DStarC") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString RO niRFSA_GetTerminalName


Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

Default Values:

PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/AdvanceTrigger, where BasebandModule is the name of the baseband module of your device in MAX.

PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/AdvanceTrigger, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.

All other devices: /DigitizerName/AdvanceTrigger, where DigitizerName is the name associated with your digitizer module in MAX.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Arm Ref


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W None


Specifies whether you want the Arm Reference Trigger to be a digital edge or software trigger.

Note Note  The PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 only support NIRFSA_VAL_NONE.
Note Note  Set this attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_NONE if you set the NIRFSA_ATTR_ACQUISITION_TYPE attribute to NIRFSA_VAL_SPECTRUM or if you set the acquisitionType parameter to NIRFSA_VAL_SPECTRUM using the niRFSA_ConfigureAcquisitionType function.
Defined Values:
NIRFSA_VAL_NONE (600) No Arm Reference Trigger is configured.
NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE (601) The Arm Reference Trigger is not asserted until a digital edge is detected. The source of the digital edge is specified with the NIRFSA_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_ARM_REF_TRIGGER_SOURCE attribute.
NIRFSA_VAL_SOFTWARE (604) The Arm Reference Trigger is not asserted until a software trigger occurs. You can assert the software trigger by calling the niRFSA_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function and selecting NIRFSA_VAL_ARM_REF_TRIGGER as the trigger parameter.
Default Value: NIRFSA_VAL_NONE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Arm Ref Digital Edge


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W None


Specifies the source terminal for the digital edge Arm Reference Trigger. This attribute is used only when the NIRFSA_ATTR_ARM_REF_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSA_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE.

Defined Values:

NIRFSA_VAL_PFI0_STR ("PFI0") The trigger is received on PFI 0. For the PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, the trigger is received on the PXIe-5841 PFI 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PFI1_STR ("PFI1") The trigger is received on PFI 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR ("PXI_Trig0") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR ("PXI_Trig1") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR ("PXI_Trig2") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR ("PXI_Trig3") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR ("PXI_Trig4") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR ("PXI_Trig5") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR ("PXI_Trig6") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR ("PXI_Trig7") The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR ("PXI_Star") The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
NIRFSA_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR ("PXIe_DStarB") The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
NIRFSA_VAL_TIMER_EVENT_STR ("TimerEvent") The trigger is received from the Timer Event. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, and for digital edge Advance Triggers on the PXIe-5663E/5665.
Default Value: "" (empty string)
Note  The PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 devices only support "" (empty string).
Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5661, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5667, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics




Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViBoolean RO None


This attribute is not for customer use.


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViReal64 R/W None


This attribute is not for customer use.

Configuration List Step

Configuration List Step Digital Edge


Specific Attribute

Access High Level Functions
ViString R/W None


This attribute is not for customer use.

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

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gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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