This project is based on the Netifi Spring Quickstart, and has an example create a stateful RSocket.
This repo contains the following projects:
- client - Client that sends data to the service
- service - Service that responds to the client
- service-idl - Definition of the API served by the service
The Netifi Spring QuickStart requires you have the following items installed on your machine:
Follow the steps below to get a client and service communicating via the Netifi Broker in just a few short minutes.
In a new terminal window, pull the latest Netifi Broker Docker image by running the following command:
docker pull netifi/broker:1.6.3
Next, run the following command to start the Netifi Broker:
docker run \ -p 7001:7001 \ -p 8001:8001 \ -p 8101:8101 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -e BROKER_SERVER_OPTS=" \ '' \ '-Dnetifi.authentication.0.accessKey=9007199254740991' \ '-Dnetifi.authentication.0.accessToken=kTBDVtfRBO4tHOnZzSyY5ym2kfY=' \ '' \ ''" \ netifi/broker:1.6.3
In a new terminal window, start the example quickstart service by running the following command:
./gradlew :service:bootRun
Next, in a new terminal window, start the example quickstart client by running the following command:
./gradlew :client:bootRun
If successful, the client will have sent the word,
, to the service and received the responseHello, World! from SayHello
. You can verify this by checking the terminals for the following:In the service terminal you will see the following message:
2018-09-03 14:16:39.561 INFO 46994 --- [actor-tcp-nio-6] i.n.p.q.service.DefaultHelloService : received a message -> World
In the client terminal you will see the following message:
2018-09-03 14:16:39.571 INFO 46998 --- [ main] i.n.p.quickstart.client.ClientRunner : message: "Hello, World! from SayHello"
Congratulations! You were able to get a Netifi Broker up and running and send a message between a client and a microservice.
For bugs, questions, and discussions please use the Github Issues.
Copyright 2019 Netifi Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.