Demo application for Netifi Proteus and RSocket.
- Ensure you have Yarn, Node, and NPM installed:
Fork/clone the repo and
to the root directory from a terminal window -
Install the JavaScript dependencies with
The generated code in
should be checked in, and can be updated with:yarn run build
To view the app in action, start a web server to host the JS:
yarn start
Hit http://localhost:3000 in a webbrowser
The page will have several sections
My ID for this session is
- spits out a randomish string that will identify this copy of the application in messages
Available Brokers
- Gives a series of messages that identify available Broker instances
Different Interaction Types
- Each interaction type will print 2 scrolling lists of messages, those prefixed with "CLIENT" when the application is acting as a client, and messages prefixed with "SERVICE" when it is servicing a request of that interaction type
- Request/Responses
- Fire and Forgets
- Streams
- Each interaction type will print 2 scrolling lists of messages, those prefixed with "CLIENT" when the application is acting as a client, and messages prefixed with "SERVICE" when it is servicing a request of that interaction type
Shortly after loading the page, CLIENT and SERVER messages should start appearing. The default behavior runs through the different Ping Pong interactions on interval timers
Each message should refer to an identifier like the one in "My ID for this session...", e.g. India-Four-Two-One
With only one browser instance, all CLIENT and SERVICE messages will have your identifier in them. Unless someone else happens to be connected to the same Broker
You can experience the magic by opening multiple tabs or multiple browsers (e.g. Chrome and Safari) and going to http://localhost:3000
- You should notice that each instance now will sometimes to refer to other IDs. This is other application instances servicing your messages and vice versa
To edit the homepage (including the JavaScript example code), do the following:
In a text editor of your choice, open and modify
Regenerate the website code in
with:yarn run build
Launch the new version of the website, which delivers your modified app with:
yarn start
Hit http://localhost:3000 in a webbrowser
- To add a new service/client, follow the model of the PingPong service
- The service must implement ReactiveSocket methods
- Thing to note here,
are not implemented by the RSocketJS library, so these don't work at the moment
- The client should use the Proteus Gateway to create a "group" routed connection, as the PingPong client does
- Register the new service with the Proteus Gateway with a unique name as the PingPong service does
proteus.addService('', myNewServiceImplementation);
- The service must implement ReactiveSocket methods
For bugs, questions, and discussions please use the Github Issues.
Copyright 2018 Netifi Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.