Releases: netease-youdao/EmotiVoice
EmotiVoice 0.3
We are delighted to announce the release of EmotiVoice 0.3 today.
Update highlights from EmotiVoice 0.3:
- Released The EmotiVoice HTTP API provided by Zhiyun.
- Released Voice Cloning feature with the option to use your personal data, along with DataBaker Recipe and LJSpeech Recipe. #51 #53 #69
- Updated Documentation: wiki page for hardware requirements. #30
- Achieved significant improvement in inference speed for English. #50
- Added Replicate demo and API. #55
- Added an Openai compatible API. #60 #42 #62
- Added README_小白安装教程.md #65 #66
- Fixed bug when using separately. #71
@bramhooimeijer #55
@lewangdev #60
@ihmily #65
@gokul8747 #83
One more thing
We are thrilled to announce the release of the EmotiVoice app for Mac. It is now available for download, allowing you to fully experience all the amazing features that EmotiVoice has to offer! #56
EmotiVoice 0.2
With valuable feedback and assistance from the community, we are delighted to announce the release of EmotiVoice 0.2 today.
Update logs from EmotiVoice 0.2:
- Added support for mixed Chinese and English input text, as well as digits. #28 #8 #23
- Resolved bugs related to certain modal particles, improving overall robustness. #18
- Documentation: Introduced the voice wiki page #7
- Documentation: Included a comprehensive ROADMAP outlining our future plans. #14
- Updated various elements such as the demo page and user license.
- Build communication group #1 #40
- Provide candidate url to download pretrained models #4 #5 #21
Feel free to update the code and give it a try, or try the Docker image by running the command: docker pull syq163/emoti-voice:0.2
@KimigaiiWuyi #17
@arjun-234 #38
@shirubei #32
and many more……
We sincerely appreciate all the attention and support. Let's celebrate the remarkable achievement of surpassing 4.2K stars in less than a week!