added: Full MiningPoolHubStats Support thanks to: @miningpoolhubstats
added Ethash Algo Support:
miner: Claymore latest v11.0
supported pools: nicehash,miningpoolhub
new pools added: zergpool,,blazepool
(blazepool & zergpool looks very promising)
Enable XMRig: for cryptonight (nicehash,miningpoolhub)
Subtract MinerDev fee and pool fee from Profit Calculation
Added functionality:
prerun feature
Ability to run a batch prior switching to a specific algo. For example, can be used to set OC via nvidiaInspector Simply create a file named .bat in prerun folder If .bat does not exist, will try to launch prerun/default.bat
Added ahashpoolplus as a pool. Simply use -PoolName ahashpoolplus in start.bat Uses calculations based on 24hractual and currentestimate ahashpool prices to get more realistic estimate. Includes some trust index based on past 1hr currentestimate variation from 24hr. This shows less switching than following Current Estimate and more switching that following the 24hr Actual. AND is NOT sensible to spikes. Better profitability on our rigs. Test and share the results on yours. Only for ahashpool. Working on expanding the feature to other pools.
Algo switching log
Added simple algo switching log in csv. switching.log file found in Logs folder. Can be easily imported in excel as csv file. include wallet so donation rounds can be clearly identified as well