Currently a proof-of-concept
Since this application is done in a mobile-first approach, the current iteration is best viewed on a mobile screen. This clip is done on chrome browser with Mobile simulator - responsive testing tool Chrome extension.
The device of choice is iPhone 11 Pro.
Stringers put strings into tennis, badminton and squash racquets. Tournament stringers are often found behind the scenes at tournaments, getting racquets strung and ready for players' practices and matches.
At professional tennis tournaments, a group of tournament stringers spend 12-14 hours plus every day over the course of the tournament to get the work done. The racquet intake process at these tournaments are largely manual, using pen and paper to note down stringing instructions and reconcile after-the-fact. Larger stringing teams tend to have softwares, but they are either proprietary, arachic or operating under a subscription model.
The ultimate goal of this project is to create an open-source software for tournament stringers. The proof-of-concept (alpha version) is created during the solo project phase of the Codesmith software engineering immersive program.
- MERN: MongoDB, Express, React, Node
- React router
- Webpack
- Test suite: Jest, Supertest, React testing library, Cypress