Base infrastructure project for kubernetes. Can be used for local development when working in a kubernetes environment. Allows you to stand up infrastructure components, so you can deploy your services into the cluster for testing locally.
- Cassandra
- URL: local-cassandra-0.local-cassandra.default:9042 -MySQL
- URL: local-mysql-0.local-mysql.default:3306
- Zookeeper
- URL: local-zookeeper-0.local-zookeeper.default:2181
- Kafka
- URL: local-kafka-0.local-kafka.default:9092
- Schema Registry
- Vault
- non-TLS URL: http://local-vault.default:8300
- TLS URL: https://local-vault.default:8200
- CA cert URL: http://local-vault.default/ca_cert.crt
- root token: root_token
- ElasticSearch
Start minikube
make start
Start services:
make up
Restart all services:
make restart
Restart all services and delete all data:
make restart-clean-data
Stop services:
make down
Stop minikube
make stop
More commands in the Makefile
Use this command: eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
This will allow minikube to have access to the images you build by using it's docker instance. You need to run it in each shell you are building containers in.
Use this command: make enable-private-repo
Minikube supports pulling images from several container registries. If you are pulling from an
unsupported registry, then you can use the make enable-private-repo
command to allow minikube
to pull images from it. This will registry a kubernetes secret that you can pull in your
manifests to allow access to your private registry.
Example of using the secret in a manifest:
- name: ${secret_name}