This dataPipeline is a course work project for CS516 course at Duke University.
The example dataset is the Yelp Dataset from
Please download the following packages:
- pymongo
- bson
- flask
To download and install MongoDB, follow the instruction here:
After install the MongoDB, run it locally on your computer by running the following command under /bin/
./mongod --dbpath <path to data directory>
The following line shows it is running successfully:
[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
Following steps are not necessary to run this project. They just show that your mongoDB works properly. Open a new terminal window, run the mongo-shell under /bin/ using:
mongo --host
Create the database by:
use yelp
Import the data from JSON file by (the files can be found in yelp_dataset directory ):
./mongoimport --db yelp -c photo --type json yelp_academic_dataset_photo.json
Due to the size of dataset, uploading the yelp dataset is very time consuming. If you just want to test the analysis functions, you can create the database with the commands mentioned above. The rest functions should work normally.
The web server is developed use the Flask framework. In order to run and test the server on your local machine download and install Flask following this link:
To open the debug mode, go to the and set "DEBUG" flag to true.
To run the server on your local machine, run this command under the path CS516_DataPipeline/web:
Then you can use the url( to visit the homepage and start use this app from there.