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Issue-111: add event and snapshot adapters (#116)
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Converts lagom-pb wrapper protos to COS protos at rest (as part of decoupling us from lagom-pb)
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Zen Yui authored Oct 21, 2020
1 parent f91520a commit 8cb16de
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Showing 10 changed files with 336 additions and 5 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import io.superflat.lagompb.encryption.EncryptionAdapter
import io.superflat.lagompb.{AggregateRoot, CommandHandler, EventHandler}
import akka.persistence.typed.PersistenceId
import akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.EventSourcedBehavior
import io.superflat.lagompb.Command
import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{EventWrapper, StateWrapper}
import com.namely.chiefofstate.persistence.{CosEventAdapter, CosSnapshotAdapter}

* ChiefOfStateAggregate
Expand All @@ -24,4 +29,17 @@ class Aggregate(

override def aggregateName: String = "chiefOfState"

* generate the lagom-pb event-sourced behavior and inject event and
* snapshot adapters
* @param persistenceId aggregate persistence ID
* @return EventSourcedBehavior
override def create(persistenceId: PersistenceId): EventSourcedBehavior[Command, EventWrapper, StateWrapper] = {
22 changes: 18 additions & 4 deletions code/service/src/main/scala/com/namely/chiefofstate/Util.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,28 @@ object Util {
* Converts the lagom-pb MetaData class to the chief-of-state MetaData
* @param metaData
* @return
* @param metaData lagom-pb MetaData
* @return chief-of-state MetaData instance
def toCosMetaData(metaData: MetaData): CosMetaData = {
entityId = metaData.entityId,
// TODO: remove .toInt
revisionNumber = metaData.revisionNumber.toInt,
revisionNumber = metaData.revisionNumber,
revisionDate = metaData.revisionDate,
data =

* Converts chief-of-state MetaData to lagom-pb MetaData
* @param metaData COS meta data
* @return Lagom-pb MetaData instance
def toLagompbMetaData(metaData: CosMetaData): MetaData = {
entityId = metaData.entityId,
revisionNumber = metaData.revisionNumber,
revisionDate = metaData.revisionDate,
data =
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package com.namely.chiefofstate.persistence

import akka.persistence.typed.{EventAdapter, EventSeq}
import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{EventWrapper => LagompbEventWrapper}
import com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1.persistence.EventWrapper
import com.namely.chiefofstate.Util

* Akka persistence event adaptor that converts lagom-pb event wrappers
* to COS wrappers in preparation of dropping the lagom-pb dependency
object CosEventAdapter extends EventAdapter[LagompbEventWrapper, EventWrapper] {

* convert lagom-pb EventWrapper to a cos EventWrapper
* @param e lagom-pb EventWrapper
* @return cos EventWrapper instance
def toJournal(e: LagompbEventWrapper): EventWrapper = {
event = e.event,
resultingState = e.resultingState,
meta =

* convert cos EventWrapper to a lagom-pb EventWrapper
* @param p cos EventWrapper
* @param manifest the manifest used
* @return lagom-pb EventWrapper instance
def fromJournal(p: EventWrapper, manifest: String): EventSeq[LagompbEventWrapper] = {
event = p.event,
resultingState = p.resultingState,
meta =

val MANIFEST: String = "com.namely.chiefofstate.persistence.CosEventAdapter"

def manifest(event: LagompbEventWrapper): String = MANIFEST
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package com.namely.chiefofstate.persistence

import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{StateWrapper => LagompbStateWrapper}
import com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1.persistence.StateWrapper
import akka.persistence.typed.SnapshotAdapter
import com.namely.chiefofstate.Util

* akka persistence SnapshotAdapter for converting to/from lagom-pb
* state wrappers in anticipation of dropping that dependency
object CosSnapshotAdapter extends SnapshotAdapter[LagompbStateWrapper] {

* convert lagom-pb state wrapper to a COS wrapper
* @param state lagom-pb state wrapper
* @return COS state wrapper as a scala.Any
def toJournal(state: LagompbStateWrapper): scala.Any = {
state = state.state,
meta =

* convert COS state wrapper to a lagom-pb state wrapper
* @param from COS state wrapper as a scala.Any
* @return lagom-pb StateWrapper
def fromJournal(from: scala.Any): LagompbStateWrapper = {
from match {
case state: StateWrapper =>
state = state.state,
meta =

case x =>
throw new Exception(s"snapshot adapter cannot unpack state of type ${from.getClass.getName}")

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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package com.namely.chiefofstate

import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import scala.util.Try
import io.superflat.lagompb.encryption.EncryptionAdapter
import akka.persistence.typed.PersistenceId
import com.namely.chiefofstate.test.helpers.TestSpec
import io.superflat.lagompb.{CommandHandler, EventHandler}

class AggregateSpec extends TestSpec with MockFactory {
".create" should {
"return EventSourcedBehavior with adapters" in {
val cmdHandler: CommandHandler = mock[CommandHandler]
val eventHandler: EventHandler = mock[EventHandler]
val encryptionAdapter: EncryptionAdapter = mock[EncryptionAdapter]
val agg = new Aggregate(null, null, cmdHandler, eventHandler, encryptionAdapter)
val persistenceId: PersistenceId = PersistenceId("typeHint", "entityId")
// TODO: find a real way to test this
// unfortunately, Akka made the implementation case class private,
// so there is no way to observe the eventAdatper and snapshotAdapter
Try(agg.create(persistenceId)).isSuccess shouldBe (true)
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions code/service/src/test/scala/com/namely/chiefofstate/UtilSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,4 +30,26 @@ class UtilSpec extends TestSpec {
actual shouldBe (expected)

"toLagompbMetaData" should {
"return the right lagom-pb MetaData" in {
val ts = Timestamp().withSeconds(3L).withNanos(2)
val revisionNumber = 2
val data = Map("foo" -> Any.pack(Empty.defaultInstance))

val lagomMetaData = LagompbMetaData()

val cosMetaData = CosMetaData()

val actual = Util.toLagompbMetaData(cosMetaData)

actual shouldBe (lagomMetaData)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package com.namely.chiefofstate.persistence

import com.namely.chiefofstate.test.helpers.TestSpec
import com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1.common.{MetaData => CosMetaData}
import com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1.persistence.EventWrapper
import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{MetaData => LagompbMetaData}
import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{EventWrapper => LagompbEventWrapper}

class CosEventAdapterSpec extends TestSpec {
".toJournal" should {
"return a cos event wrapper" in {
val event = Any.pack(StringValue("event"))
val state = Any.pack(StringValue("state"))
val revision = 2

val before = LagompbEventWrapper()

val expected = EventWrapper()

val actual = CosEventAdapter.toJournal(before)

actual shouldBe (expected)

".fromJournal" should {
"return a lagom-pb event wrapper" in {
val event = Any.pack(StringValue("event"))
val state = Any.pack(StringValue("state"))
val revision = 2

val expected = LagompbEventWrapper()

val before = EventWrapper()

val actual = CosEventAdapter.fromJournal(before, "") shouldBe (1) shouldBe (expected)

".manifest" should {
"yield the stable string" in {
CosEventAdapter.manifest(null) shouldBe (CosEventAdapter.MANIFEST)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package com.namely.chiefofstate.persistence

import com.namely.chiefofstate.test.helpers.TestSpec
import com.namely.chiefofstate.Util
import com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1.common.{MetaData => CosMetaData}
import com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1.persistence.StateWrapper
import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{MetaData => LagompbMetaData}
import io.superflat.lagompb.protobuf.v1.core.{StateWrapper => LagompbStateWrapper}

class CosSnapshotAdapterSpec extends TestSpec {
".toJournal" should {
"return a cos state wrapper" in {
val state = Any.pack(StringValue("state"))
val revision: Int = 2

val before = LagompbStateWrapper()

val expected = StateWrapper()

val actual: StateWrapper = CosSnapshotAdapter

actual shouldBe (expected)

".fromJournal" should {
"return a lagom-pb state wrapper" in {
val state = Any.pack(StringValue("state"))
val revision: Int = 2

val before = StateWrapper()

val expected = LagompbStateWrapper()

val actual: LagompbStateWrapper = CosSnapshotAdapter

actual shouldBe (expected)
"fail on unknown snapshot type" in {
val failure = intercept[Exception] {
CosSnapshotAdapter.fromJournal(StringValue("bad state"))

failure.getMessage().startsWith("snapshot adapter cannot unpack state of type") shouldBe (true)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project/Dependencies.scala
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ object Dependencies {
// Package versions
object Versions {
val Scala213: String = "2.13.1"
val LagomPbVersion: String = "1.0.2"
val LagomPbVersion: String = "1.0.2+4-ccd75b98-SNAPSHOT"
val KanelaAgentVersion: String = "1.0.6"
val SilencerVersion: String = "1.6.0"
val KamonAkkaGrpcVersion: String = "0.0.9"
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions proto/internal/persistence.proto
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
syntax = "proto3";

package chief_of_state.v1;

option java_package = "com.namely.protobuf.chiefofstate.v1";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "CosPersistenceProto";

import "chief_of_state/v1/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

// These protos are used by akka persistence to write to disk. They will
// likely be offered as part of the open-source protos repo, but until
// they are concrete/finalized, we are keeping them here.

// Wrap the aggregate state and the meta data.
message StateWrapper {
// the entity state
google.protobuf.Any state = 1;
// metadata from the event that made this state
chief_of_state.v1.MetaData meta = 3;

// EventWrapper is an event wrapper that holds both the
// event and the corresponding aggregate root state.
message EventWrapper {
// the event emitted
google.protobuf.Any event = 1;
// the state obtained from processing the event
google.protobuf.Any resulting_state = 2;
// meta data
chief_of_state.v1.MetaData meta = 3;

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