- ATTiny85 programmed by an Arduino AVR/USBasp via the pin header.
- Based on open Source repository from Tiny Joypad for the software.
- 128x64 SSD1306 screen.
- Requires an external programmer via an unpopulated AVR pin header.
- games/tools/api from danielc at tinyjoypad.com.
- TinyDriver.h from dschnur
take a look at the code here:
void drawGame() {
static uint16_t lastX = 0xFFFF;
static uint16_t lastY = 0xFFFF;
static uint16_t flagX = 313;
static uint16_t flagY = 37;
if (playerX == flagX && playerY == flagY) {
currentState = FLAG_SCREEN;
noTone(4); // Stop any active beep
Install arduino IDE
Prepare programmer interface
prepare jumper wire to the respective pin on the programmer interface
connect the interface to PC
Check for the presence of programmer interface in your device manager
Open Arduino IDE and add this to your preferences - settings
Install ATTinyCore by Spence Konde
extract ssd1306xled-master.zip to this folder
Make sure to replace TinyDriver.h in your project.
Open your project.
Compile before flashing to the badge.
In arduino IDE, use this settings.
Click Upload, if the screen response is slow, burn bootloader and upload again.
Click to enlarge