Test on login the Verimi account #TestNG #Webdriver #Selenium
Testing if logging on the Veremi account has been succesful
- geockodiver (https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/tag/v0.24.0)
- Oracle JDK v1.8.0
- Apache Maven v3.6.1
- Firefox v68.0.1
- Eclipse Java EE Photon Release 4.8.0
- install "geckodriver.exe" locally in your computer. It must be saved in an executable location, for example" C://geckodriver.exe"
- create a verimi account on https://verimi.de/en
- insert your Verimi credentials (change email and password values) in TestNG-Java-Maven-Selenium/Verimi/TestsMaven/src/test/java/com/verimi/TestsMaven/VerimiTest.java
- Run this file as a TestNG Test (on the IDE Eclipse)
A new browser page is opened.Another one is opened where credentials are entered and the login button is submitted automatically. Both windows are closed and successful authentication is asserted in the Eclipse console.
** Note: please make sure to have the "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Luna) 1.5.0" and "TestNg for Eclipse" plug-ins installed correctly