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Vali (naser) Rafinia edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

nhash password is a sub-command of nHash tool used to generate a random password with various options such as password length, prefix, suffix, and character set.


nhash password [options]


  • --no-upper: Exclude uppercase characters (A-Z) from the password. The default value is False.
  • --no-lower: Exclude lowercase characters (a-z) from the password. The default value is False.
  • --no-number: Exclude numbers (1234567890) from the password. The default value is False.
  • --no-special: Exclude special symbols (*$-+?_&=!%{}/) from the password. The default value is False.
  • --custom <custom>: Specify custom characters for the password. If this option is selected, all other character set options will be removed.
  • -l, --length <length>: Specify the password length. The default value is 16.
  • --prefix <prefix>: Specify a prefix for the password.
  • --suffix <suffix>: Specify a suffix for the password.
  • -o, --output <output>: Specify the output file name to write the generated password.
  • -?, -h, --help: Display the help and usage information.

Note that all options are optional and the default values are set to generate a password that includes all character sets (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters) and has a length of 16 characters.


Generate a random password with a length of 12 characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers:

nhash password -l 12 --no-special

Generate a random password with a length of 8 characters, including only uppercase letters:

nhash password -l 8 --no-lower --no-number --no-special

Generate a random password with a custom character set and a length of 10 characters:

nhash password --custom abc123 -l 10

Generate a random password with a length of 20 characters and a prefix and suffix:

nhash password --length 20 --prefix "nHash-" --suffix "-2023"
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