Files found in AGL distribution:
- https://github.com/AGLExport/gpsnavi/
- https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/meta-agl-demo
- http://agl.wismobi.com/data/japan_TR9/navi_data.tar.gz
- http://agl.wismobi.com/data/UnitedKingdom_TR9/navi_data_UK.tar.gz
Ddescription for each subdirectorry and files available.
- polaris-db.md
- polaris-db.xlsx
Polaris.db read/write
- parcel-blob-decode
- parcel-blob-encode
OSM related
- osm-download
- test-parcel-blob.sh
See db sudirectory on how to dump db to obtain txt version of the record data.
Not all of the files are included here due to the storage size limitation. Rather you may need to download db files and convert by yourselves. See README for dtails.
- jp
- uk
- osm