Segementation of iris and pupil.
where I(x,y) is the eye image, r is the radius to searches over the image (x,y), G(r) is a Gaussian smoothing function. The algorithm starts to search from the pupil, in order to detect the changing of maximum pixel values (partial derivative).
pip install irisSeg
from irisSeg import irisSeg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# you can also view using the argument in irisSeq function
coord_iris, coord_pupil, output_image = irisSeg('UBIRIS_200_150_R/Sessao_1/1/Img_1_1_1.jpg', 40, 70)
print(coord_iris) # radius and the coordinates for the center of iris
print(coord_pupil) # radius and the coordinates for the center of pupil
>>iris-seg file_path min_radius max_radius