Keep track of basic employee information such as names, roles, and salaries
In your terminal, go to the directory where employeeTracker is stored. Type "npm install" to install all dependencies. Type "node server.js" to begin.
On run, the terminal will give you 8 options:
- Add Department
- Add Role
- Add Employee
- View Departments
- View Roles
- View Employees
- Update Employee Roles
- Exit
Use the arrow keys to select which option you want.
Use these options to add to the database. Depending on what you chose, you will be prompted for the following:
- Name of department:
- Title
- Salary
- Associated Department (Select from the list of departments)
- First name
- Last Name
- Role (Select from the list of roles)
- Manager (Select from the list of managers)
Use to check the databases
- Displays the unique ID and name of each department
- Displays the unique ID, title, salary and associated department
- Displays the unique ID, name, role, and manager's ID
Allows you to change the role and manager of an employee.
Select the employee from the provided list. You will then be prompted for the role and manager.
#Exit Exit the program