Design a portfolio page for your programming team
Open terminal and change directory to where app.js is located. Run 'npm install' Run 'node app.js' to begin.
A menu will appear with options:
- Add Manager
- Add Engineer
- Add Intern
- Create Portfolio
- Exit
Select your option and follow the prompts
If you select any of these options, you will be prompted to answer a few questions.
Questions common to all three:
- Name
- Employee ID
Question unique to Manager:
- Office Number
Question unique to Engineer:
- Github account
Question unique to Intern:
- School
Note: You cannot leave these areas blank.
Creates an HTML document that is saved in output/team.html If there is already a file with that name, it will be overriden
Close the application. You will lose any unsaved data.
- ./lib: Contains the source code to run the application
- ./templates A sample html file used to template the final product
- ./test Test files
- Create an option to edit/delete previous entries
- Save portfolio on exit
- Save and load previous team data