personal web album
crawl images from web( for example)
put image urls into a database, url filtered by python bloomfilter
add images into your web album
extract the fingerprint of images for future image search
0. Ubuntu11.10
1. Apache2
2. MySQL5.0
3. Scrapy
4. Gallery2.0(galleryremote needed for adding images through gallery API)
5. OpenCV
6. pHash Open Library
install and configure apache2, mysql5.0, scrapy, gallery2.0.
modify the directory name of image storage.
run the command 'scrapy crawl sina_image' in the crawl directory to start to crawl images.
you can set the number of crawling for one time and at the same time the url of images will be written into the database.
after crawling, execute the to add the images into gallery2.
if all goes well, you can browse your images already.
of course, you can execute above steps repeatedly to update your album.