Final Project for EECS 373 at the University of Michigan - Introduction to Embedded Systems Design
PillPal: an intuitive pill dispenser. With an user friendly LCD touchscreen, one can easily input their personalized pill schedule. PillPal also goes the extra mile with features like pill identification, biometric and keypad security system, and real-time alerts.
- STM32L4R5ZI MCU (NUCLEO-L4R5ZI Development Board)
- XBEE S2C Module
- 480x320 3.5" TFT LCD Display w/ ILI9488 Driver + XPT2046 Touch Controller
- Pixy2 Vision Camera
- DFRobot Fingerprint Sensor
- Arduino Uno
- A4988 Stepper Controller
- Sparkfun Stepper
- Linear Actuator
- L293D H-Bridge
- DS1307 RTC
Contributors names and contact info
Various Code Libraries