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Machine Orchesta


There are currently two servers, one for the hiduino bots (JackBox, BreakBot, Clappers, GanaPati, MahaDevi), and one for the serial bots (Lydia, MarimBot, StringThing).

The two servers should always be left running. In the case that they aren't, simply type the following into terminal.

$ robots

This will run a bash function that kills any running ChucK programs, and then starts the server.

robots() {

    if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
        echo "$SERVICE killing running chuck programs"
        killall chuck

    chuck ~/git/robots/serial-robot-server/ --port:8888 &
    chuck ~/git/robots/hiduino-robot-server/ --port:8889



While it is entirely possible to connect using the wireless network, you will definitely experience lag and dropped OSC messages.

To connect using ChucK using OSC with a LAN connection:

OscOut out;

("chuckServer.local", 50000) => out.dest;

To send to a robot using its OSC address.


A full list of robots by their OSC addresses

// hiduino robots

// serial robots

To connect using MIDI, see the midi-robot-client repo.


Copy/paste this to quickly see if you can successfully connect using a wired connection.

OscOut out;
("chuckServer.local", 50000) => out.dest;

while(true) {
    out.add(Math.random2(0, 20));
    10::ms => now;

maintenance and troubleshooting

In general, if there the server is acting up a simple restart of the ChucK code will clear things up 90% of the time. This can be done by opening up terminal and entering in the "robots" command described above. Also check for multiple instances of terminal that might be running on the robots computer. If needed, close the extra instances and relaunch the server.

If one of the bots is not responding, first check to see if the bot has power connected. Some bots, such as Lydia and JackBox, can sometimes be accidentally unplugged. Likewise, check the USB cable going to the bot in question, and if JackBox is the bot that is acting up also check the two MIDI cables. If the cable looks good on the bot end, don't forget to check the hub end as well.

If more than one robot is unresponsive, there is a chance that something went wrong with one, or more, of the USB hubs. Check to see that the hubs are plugged into their power bricks, that they are turned on, and plugged into the robots computer.

If you are running code on your computer through the MIDI Client and are having issues this might help:

  1. Test using ChucK or another programming language without the MIDI Client.
    • Sometimes the MIDI Client can be a bit finicky, this will tell you if its the client itself or some other link in the chain.
  2. Restart the MIDI Client (after closing the instance of it).
    • "Uninstall Everything" - Owen Vallis
  3. Make sure you have the most recent version of the code ('git pull' the repo).
    • This repo is constantly being updated, the most recent code will be more stable, there is a chance the issue you are running into has been fixed.
  4. Test your code (or set) or the robots computer.
    • Is it your computer, or the server?
  5. Are any of the bots working, or is it just one or two that is not responding?


hiduino-robot-server and midi-robot-client written by Ness Morris and Bruce Lott in the winter of 2013-2014, based on code by Ajay Kapur, Owen Vallis, and Dimitri Diakopoulos

serial-robot-server written by Eric Heep in the summer of 2014. Code is currently maintained by Nathan Shaw.

if there are any questions, concerns or issues feel free to email Nathan at: [email protected]


A general repo for all of our robot code!






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