This project is an example of how to use the Flutter Map library to display a map, add markers, and route between two points. It also uses the OpenStreetMap API to search for a location.
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Displays a map with markers for the user's current location and a destination.
Allows the user to route between the two points.
Uses the OpenStreetMap API to search for a location.
To display a map, create a MapController object and call the center() and zoom() methods to set the map's center and zoom level.
To add a marker, create a Marker object and call the add() method on the MapController object.
To route between two points, create a Polyline object and call the add() method on the MapController object.
To search for a location, use the search() method on the MapController object.
The Flutter Map library is a powerful tool for displaying maps in Flutter.
The OpenStreetMap API is a free and open-source map data service.
Please feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the author at [[email protected]]
Thank you for using this project!
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Flutter Map OpenStreetMap API