Stateful interface object that stores and reactively streams a variable.
Comments welcome. I'm new to typescript.
Useful on the boundary between a declarative (get, set) code base and a reactive (streaming) code base. Uses Most.js for streams.
Refer to the test specs for the ground truth. Summarizing:
import { VarStream } from '@tdsfugal/var-stream'
const vs_default = new VarStream() // default value is null
const vs_initialized = new VarStream({ foo: 1, bar: "duck" }) // value = { foo: 1, bar: "duck" }
const vs_typed = new VarStream<string>("walks like a ") // value can be typed if in a typescript environment
// VarStreams work exactly as any object with getters and setters would
vs_default.set("If it ") // Getters and setters work as expected.
console.log(vs_typed.get() + vs_initialized.get().bar) // Prints "walks like a duck"
// To push values from stateful to streaming use .stream() to get a multicast stream:
const ds1 = // ds1 is a most.js stream. Emits the initial value "If it"
const ds2 = // ds2 is a most.js stream. Emits the initial value "If it"
vs_default.set("Walks like a duck") // ds1 and ds2 emit "Walks like a duck"
vs_default.set("And talks like a duck") // ds1 and ds2 emit "And talks like a duck"
vs_default.set("It must be a duck") // ds1 and ds2 emit "It must be a duck"
// To push values from the streaming to the stateful side call .set() within a .observe() terminator:
const ping = Most.constant("ping", Most.periodic(1000)) // Stream that emits "ping" every second.
ping.observe( x => vs_default.set(x)) // Duplicate values are ignored. ds1 and ds2 emit "ping" only once.
// To shut the reactions down, use this irreversable call:
vs_default.end() // terminates streams ds1 and ds2, ends vs_default
vs_default.set("foo") // throws an error
x = vs_default.get() // throws an error
ds3 = // throws an error