A gem to integrate AWS Cognito in your Rails app
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'cognito_rails'
Add an initializer for the configuration
cognito_credentials = if Rails.env.production?
Rails.application.credentials&.dig(:cognito, :production)
Rails.application.credentials&.dig(:cognito, :staging)
CognitoRails::Config.aws_client_credentials = {
access_key_id: cognito_credentials&.dig(:access_key_id),
secret_access_key: cognito_credentials&.dig(:secret_access_key),
CognitoRails::Config.aws_region = cognito_credentials&.dig(:region)
CognitoRails::Config.aws_user_pool_id = cognito_credentials&.dig(:user_pool_id)
CognitoRails::Config.default_user_class = 'User'
# Optional
CognitoRails::Config.logger = Rails.logger # To receive logs
CognitoRails::Config.cache_adapter = Rails.cache # To cache the JWT keys API call
CognitoRails::Config.skip_model_hooks = Rails.env.test? # To skip cognito user creation during tests
Add the ControllerConcern to your ApplicationController:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
cognito_authentication user_class: 'User'
This makes the logged user available to your controllers through the current_user attribute.
Add as_cognito_user
to your user models along with the mixin methods you need:
class User < ApplicationRecord
validates :email, :phone, :role, presence: true
validates :email, :phone, uniqueness: true
cognito_password_policy :temporary
define_cognito_attribute 'role', :role
define_cognito_attribute 'test', 'some fixed value'
has_many :projects, dependent: :restrict_with_error
enum role: { user: 0, agency: 500, admin: 1000, superadmin: 9999 }
and :phone
are automatically saved as Cognito attributes from the model.
and cognito_verify_phone
add email and phone verification on user creation.
chose the password policy on user creation (:temporary, :user_provided), the default is :temporary
assign a custom Cognito attribute to the user. This won't work if you don't add the custom attribute through the Cognito console in advance
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
cognito_rails is maintained by mònade.
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