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Ansible role to create, update and delete Moira triggers based on python-moira-client
ansible-galaxy install moira-alert.moira-trigger-role
Place the contents from example inside your Makefile to download role from Ansible Galaxy
and create playbook to manage triggers with predefined parameters inside your vars files:
- name: manage moira triggers
hosts: serviceName
- role: moira-alert.moira-trigger-role
moira_api: http://localhost:8081/api
moira_triggers: '{{ ServiceNameTriggers }}'
run_once: True
dry_run: False
Note: All tasks must be done from your ansible control machine
Predefine following parameters inside your vars files. Working examples can be found here
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Default | Example |
moira_api | Url of Moira API | String | True | N/A | http://localhost/api/ |
moira_auth_custom | Custom authorization headers | Dictionary | False | None | Authorization: apiKey |
moira_auth_user | Auth User (Basic Auth) | String | False | None | admin |
moira_auth_pass | Auth Password (Basic Auth) | String | False | None | pass |
moira_auth_login | Auth Login (Basic Auth) | String | False | None | admin |
Note: Use moira_auth_custom if you're using additional authentication mechanisms instead of
single basic auth, use moira_auth_user, moira_auth_pass and moira_auth_login otherwise.
moira_auth_login must contain value for X-Webauth-User header.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Choices | Default | Example |
state | Desired state of a trigger | String | True | present absent |
N/A | present |
id | Trigger id | String | True | N/A | N/A | trigger_1 |
name | Trigger name | String | True | N/A | N/A | Trigger 1 |
tags | List of trigger tags | List | True | N/A | N/A | - Project - Service |
targets | List of trigger targets See available graphite functions |
List | True | N/A | N/A | - prefix.*.postfix |
warn_value | Value to set WARN status | Float | False | N/A | None | 300 |
error_value | Value to set ERROR status | Float | False | N/A | None | 600 |
trigger_type | Type of a trigger | String | False | rising falling expression |
N/A | rising |
expression | C-like expression | String | False | N/A | Empty string | t1 >= 10 ? ERROR : (t1 >= 1 ? WARN : OK) |
ttl | When there are no metrics for trigger, Moira will switch metric to TTLState state after TTL seconds | Int | False | N/A | 600 | 600 |
ttl_state | Trigger state at the expiration of 'ttl' | String | False | NODATA DEL ERROR WARN OK |
is_remote | Use remote storage. Deprecated, use trigger_source instead |
Bool | False | True False |
False | False |
trigger_source | Specify trigger source, overrides is_remote | String | False | graphite_local graphite_remote prometheus_remote |
None | graphite_local |
cluster_id | Specify cluster id | String | False | N/A | None | default |
desc | Trigger description | String | False | N/A | Empty string | trigger test description |
mute_new_metrics | If true, first event NODATA → OK will be omitted | Bool | False | True False |
False | False |
disabled_days | Days for trigger to be in silent mode | List | False | N/A | Empty list | - Mon - Wed |
timezone_offset | Timezone offset (minutes) | Int | False | N/A | 0 | -180 |
start_hour | Start hour to send alerts | Int | False | N/A | 0 | 9 |
start_minute | Start minute to send alerts | Int | False | N/A | 0 | 0 |
end_hour | End hour to send alerts | Int | False | N/A | 23 | 17 |
end_minute | End minute to send alerts | Int | False | N/A | 59 | 0 |
alone_metrics | Set some target as single metric | Dictionary | False | N/A | t1: false t2: true ... tN: true |
t1: false t2: false |
Task to check python-moira-client is installed (via pip)
Use state 'present' to create and edit existing triggers:
- name: create trigger
state: present
To delete existing triggers use state 'absent':
- name: remove trigger
state: absent