released this
08 Aug 23:46
1463 commits
to master
since this release
Major Features
- Android-style interface option (default on Android)
- "Side drawer" option for navigation instead of bottom bar
- This needs to be enabled in the Appearance Settings, if feedback is good, it will be the default on Android in a future release
- Long press page number in catalog to scroll to bottom
- Added a reload button to the catalog header
- Username recognition and lookup
- Tap on a username to open a list of all posts in the thread with that name
- Search archives/site for all posts by that user
- OP's username highlighted on Reddit and Hacker News
- User stats shown on Reddit and Hacker News
- Support for wizchan.org
- Option to hide top and bottom bars when scrolling down
- "Mark all as read" button at the bottom of the watched threads list
- Option to save to per-board albums on iOS
- Option to show dates as MM/DD/YY
General Improvements
- Captcha solver has been optimized for the changes of August 1, 2023
- The OP post from catalog is shown while a thread first loads
- Scrolling-to-posts now highlights them for a few seconds
- Paged catalogs are auto-extended when scrolling down
- Dynamic theme (Material You) now also generates a custom title color
- Android 13+ devices should see better performance
- Swipe-up on background tabs in the tab bar to open their menus
- Option to keep replies to OP as second-level in tree mode
- Board switcher settings redesigned
- If all "missing threads" after corruption are 404, offer to forget about them
- Special character symbols are normalized when submitting a post
- Added actions to quote without inserting a backlink from the "Select text" post popup
- The "status bar workaround" has been removed, it shouldn't be needed any more
- New popup menu for post and thread hiding and showing
- Ability to override other filters and force-show a post or thread
- Flag name shown when tapping a flag icon
- Randomize filename now uses the same algorithm as 4chan-x (thanks to @benyben27)
- Support for Reddit flair names
- Full thread information shown in catalog grid mode
- Added board and thread information to the footer when sharing posts as an image
- Option for delay before hover popup triggers
- New options for clicking quotelinks in mouse layout
- Hovering quotelinks will highlight the target if onscreen
- Added share action to the catalog context menu
- Increased scrollbar width
- Thread watcher settings now scroll with the watch list
- Default thread watch settings now used when submitting a post or thread
- Added a greentext helper to the reply form
- "No Element" error on certain Reddit threads
- Recognize "*.reddit.com" to open Reddit URLs better on Android
- Fix for some Reddit images opening in the browser instead of the gallery
- Possible fix for database backup corruption
- Some minor issues around the hiding of new onscreen posts in tree mode
- Fix getting boards from soyjak.party when Cloudflare challenge occurs
- Opening linear replies in Reddit could show a loading indicator forever
- Various issues caused by malformed soundpost filenames
- Soundposts will play without sound if the sound can't be loaded
- Some Reddit GIFs showed a loading spinner even after loading had finished
- Redownloading in the gallery didn't actually do anything
- Reddit /r/all and /r/popular could not be favourited
- When using multi-window on Android, there could be incorrect padding at the top of the app
- Text editing menus were missing in some text fields
- When running on Mac, the full ProMotion display rate wasn't used
- Tapping very tall text fields could put the cursor in the wrong spot
- Hovering images in the Android emulator would never disappear
- 4chan pass lower cooldowns were not used on Wi-Fi networks
- VPN networks were counted as mobile instead of Wi-Fi
- Possible fix for problem switching between red and blue boards using 4Chan pass
- Various filters sources were applied in the wrong order
- WebView cookies were not cleared when clearing cookies
- URL matching was not limited to valid TLDs
- Board settings could not be opened if the board didn't support push notifications
- "Images on right" didn't work properly in the catalog
- When saved posts were corrupted, they were erroneously deleted instead of recovered
- Various problems selecting certain types of text blocks
- The filter qualifier from 4chan-X ";type:thread" was not understood
- Couldn't tap on some quotelinks in tree mode
- FormatException sometimes shown when 4chan spam-filtered a submitted post
- If a link had a custom title set, it wasn't prioritized in a rich link button
- The placeholder text in empty text fields didn't respect the current theme
- Gallery thumbnails were cut off on some devices in landscape mode