I have created this online version of my CV for portability and cross-platform compatibility in September 2018.
The motivation for doing so is that I can do the following in order to keep my CV up-to-date easily;
- Open iTerm on my laptop and change into my "cv" directory
- git pull to ensure the repo is up to date
- Open my index.md Markdown file in my favourite text editor (VIM of course) and make the relevant changes
- Issue a
command in my repo's root directory to create the different formats of the CV using the underlyingpandoc
and put them into the output directory - Finally do a git commit and git push and my newly updated CV is live online in Markdown (online version) | HTML (alternative not so snazzy online version) | Open Document (for those users requiring to see my CV in the likes of MS Word or Open Office) | PDF (generate offline document type) | Rich Text Format (akin to plain text)
I have used hits and ideas from the github repos called "pandoc-resume" and "markdown-cv" in order to create this online version of my CV.
Please feel free to CLONE or FORK this repo to produce your own CV / Resume online.