Inverse kinematics with 3D human model SMPL
This repository mmurooka/SMPLpp is a fork of YeeCY/SMPLpp. This README, written by mmurooka, describes mmurooka/SMPLpp.
Most of the source code is identical to the original repository, and their licenses follow the original repository. Newly added source code in this repository is available under MIT license, as in the original repository.
This repository contains the following updates and extensions to the original repository:
- C++ implementation of inverse kinematics (MoSh, MoSh++)
- C++ implementation of body pose prior (VPoser)
- Function for fitting SMPL models to motion capture data
- Minor bug fixes (chongyi-zheng#13, chongyi-zheng#14)
- ROS packaging
This repository does not contain model parameter files. They can be downloaded from the following project pages of the paper authors. Please see the project page for the license.
- VPoser
- Compiler supporting C++14
- Tested on
Ubuntu 18.04 / ROS Melodic
This package depends on
- xtl
- xtensor
- nlohmann-json
- ezc3d
- eigen-qld
- libtorch (PyTorch C++ Frontend)
- libigl
- libigl is automatically downloaded during the build of this package, so there is no need to install it manually.
- QpSolverCollection
It is assumed that ROS is installed.
- Install dependent packages.
For xtl, xtensor, nlohmann-json, ezc3d, and eigen-qld, download the source code from GitHub and install it with cmake.
For libtorch, download and extract the zip file. It is recommended to download the LTS version of libtorch from the official page. Note that the latest version of libtorch downloaded by this procedure will cause linking issues with the ROS libraries.
- Setup catkin workspace.
$ mkdir -p ~/ros/ws_smplpp/src
$ cd ~/ros/ws_smplpp
$ wstool init src
$ wstool set -t src isri-aist/QpSolverCollection [email protected]:isri-aist/QpSolverCollection.git --git -y
$ wstool set -t src mmurooka/SMPLpp [email protected]:mmurooka/SMPLpp.git --git -y
$ wstool update -t src
- Install dependent ROS packages.
$ source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash
$ rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src
- Build a package.
$ catkin build smplpp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DLIBTORCH_PATH=<absolute path to libtorch> -DENABLE_QLD=ON --catkin-make-args all tests
<absolute path to libtorch>
is the path to the directory named libtorch that was extracted in step 1.
- Download model parameter files.
Download the model parameter file from the Download version 1.0.0 for Python 2.7 (female/male. 10 shape PCs)
link on the following project page of the paper authors. Please note the license on the project page.
Download the model parameter file from the Download VPoser v2.0 - not-evaluated (80.0 MB)
link on the following project page of the paper authors. Please note the license on the project page.
- Extract the downloaded zip files.
Extract the zip file
The extracted zip files contain the model parameter files: basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl
and basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl
Extract the zip file
The extracted zip files contain the model parameter file: V02_05_epoch=08_val_loss=0.03.ckpt
- Preprocess SMPL model parameter files.
$ rosrun smplpp male <path to basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl> `rospack find smplpp`/data
$ rosrun smplpp female <path to basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl> `rospack find smplpp`/data
Confirm that the files smpl_male.{json|npz}
and smpl_female.{json|npz}
have been generated in rospack find smplpp
- Preprocess VPoser model parameter file.
$ rosrun smplpp <path to V02_05_epoch=08_val_loss=0.03.ckpt> `rospack find smplpp`/data
Confirm that the files vposer_parameters.{json|npz}
have been generated in rospack find smplpp
$ roslaunch smplpp smplpp.launch enable_vertex_color:=false enable_ik:=false enable_vposer:=false
You will see a window of Rviz and two windows of rqt.
You can change the SMPL body parameters (beta
) and pose parameters (theta
) from the sliders in the two rqt windows, and watch the SMPL model visualized in Rviz change.
If you set enable_vposer:=true
instead of enable_vposer:=false
in the roslaunch
arguments, you can change the latent variables from the sliders instead of the pose parameters.
$ roslaunch smplpp smplpp.launch enable_vertex_color:=false enable_ik:=true enable_vposer:=true
You will see a window of Rviz and a window of rqt.
By moving the interactive markers on Rviz, you can specify the position and normal direction of the hands and feet of the SMPL model.
You can change the SMPL body parameters (beta
) from the sliders in the rqt window.
If you set enable_vposer:=false
instead of enable_vposer:=true
in the roslaunch
arguments, the pose parameters can be optimized directly instead of the latent variables. In this case, the body pose prior is not taken into account and the generated pose will be unnatural.
Inverse kinematics can be used to fit the SMPL model to the labeled marker trajectories.
The position of each marker on the SMPL model needs to be roughly predefined. Fine-tuning is done automatically by optimizing the surface position parameters. Currently, only the Baseline marker set (consisting of 41 markers) provided by OptiTrack is supported. With a little work (about 30 minutes), other marker sets can easily be added.
Export the motion-capture measurement data as a C3D file. There is a sample C3D file in (data/sample_walk.c3d)[] that measures the walking motion.
Motion capture fitting consists of three steps: solving for the body, solving the motion, and playback of the motion.
In the first step, the SMPL pose parameters (theta
), body parameters (beta
), and surface position parameters (phi
) are simultaneously optimized using a single representative frame.
$ C3D_PATH=`rospack find smplpp`/data/sample_walk.c3d
$ roslaunch smplpp smplpp.launch solve_mocap_body:=true mocap_path:=${C3D_PATH}
It usually takes less than a minute.
The representative frame can be changed as needed via the mocap_frame_idx
It outputs a yaml file /tmp/MocapBody.yaml
that records beta
and phi
. This will be used in the following step.
In the second step, the SMPL body parameters (beta
) and surface position parameter (phi
) are fixed and only the pose parameters (theta
) are optimized.
$ C3D_PATH=`rospack find smplpp`/data/sample_walk.c3d
$ MOCAP_BODY_PATH=/tmp/MocapBody.yaml
$ roslaunch smplpp smplpp.launch solve_mocap_motion:=true mocap_path:=${C3D_PATH} mocap_body_path:=${MOCAP_BODY_PATH}
The inverse kinematics calculation takes about 1 second per frame (on a local PC it was 0.7 seconds). Thus, if the C3D data holds 120 FPS, it would take approximately 2 hours to convert 1 minute of motion. This is a long processing time, but thanks to the C++ implementation, it is still faster than the Python implementation from the authors of the original paper. See section 1 of this supplementary material.
It outputs a rosbag file /tmp/MocapMotion.bag
that records the theta
of the time series.
Move the rosbag file to a safe location before it is lost in a reboot.
The third step is to play back the recorded motion data.
$ C3D_PATH=`rospack find smplpp`/data/sample_walk.c3d
$ MOCAP_BODY_PATH=/tmp/MocapBody.yaml
$ ROSBAG_PATH=/tmp/MocapMotion.bag
$ roslaunch smplpp smplpp.launch solve_mocap_motion:=true load_motion:=true mocap_frame_interval:=4 \
mocap_path:=${C3D_PATH} mocap_body_path:=${MOCAP_BODY_PATH} rosbag_path:=${ROSBAG_PATH}
Animation of the SMPL model fitted to motion capture data is displayed at real speed.
If you set enable_vertex_color:=true
instead of enable_vertex_color:=false
in the roslaunch
arguments, the color of each vertex is determined by its Z-position. However, Rviz on the default branch does not provide good visualization for vertex-colored meshes. Building Rviz from source code with this patch solves this problem.
When you click the Publish Point
button in Rviz and then click on the SMPL model, the indices of the vertex and face closest to the clicked point are printed in the terminal as follows. This is useful for determining the inverse-kinematics target on the SMPL model.
[ INFO][/smplpp]: Vertex idx closest to clicked point: 6875
[ INFO][/smplpp]: Face idx closest to clicked point: 13353
$ rosrun smplpp <input_rosbag_path> <output_text_path>
(25 x 3 matrix) is flattened by row-major.
For more information on the technical details, please see the following papers:
- 3D human model: M. Loper, et al. SMPL: A skinned multi-person linear model. ToG, 2015.
- Body pose prior: G. Pavlakos, et al. Expressive body capture: 3d hands, face, and body from a single image. CVPR, 2019.
- Inverse kinematics: M. Loper, et al. MoSh: Motion and shape capture from sparse markers. ToG, 2014.
- Inverse kinematics: M. Naureen, et al. AMASS: Archive of motion capture as surface shapes. ICCV, 2019.