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Francis Tseng edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

Roadmap to initial draft


  • chapter: introduction
  • chapter: machine learning
  • chapter: neural nets
  • chapter: looking inside neural nets
  • chapter: training neural nets
  • chapter: convnets
  • chapter: looking inside neural nets
  • chapter: deepdream
  • chapter: style transfer
  • draft: recurrent neural nets
  • draft: t-SNE / unsupervised
  • draft: generative models
  • draft: language processing
  • draft: reinforcement learning + game AI
  • draft: ethics


  • wekinator examples
  • start collecting contributions
  • fundamentals
  • simple neural networks
  • convolutional neural networks
  • recurrent neural nteworks
  • word2vec
  • generative adversarial models
  • q learning
  • deep q networks


  • forward pass
  • weights visualization
  • confusion matrices
  • t-SNE viewer


  • OF distribution + relevant addons
  • examples + templates
    • real-time classifier/regression
    • convnet osc image classifier
    • tensorflow models
    • gesture recognition


  • start tweeting
    • ML news / current events
    • artworks
    • new content from the book
    • backlog of links


  • translation framework
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