The objective is to detect a custom AR tag that can be used to obtain a point of reference in the real world for augemented reality applications
- The project is divided into 3 parts
- In First part, the AR Tag is detected and it tag orientation and ID is decoded
- In the second part, a reference image is placed on the Tag such that it superimposes the tag in the whole video
- In the third part, a virtual cube is placed on top of the Tag in the whole video
- OpenCV methods such as find-contours, hough-transform, find-homography and warp-perspective have not been used, these methods have been implemented from scratch
- AR Tag Corners Detected and ID Decoded: 0111 or 7
- Testudo Image superimposed on the detected AR Tag
- Virtual Cube placed on the detected AR Tag
- Numpy
- Imutils
- Opencv
- Matplotlib
- Argparse
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Cd to the Code Directory
cd AR-Tag-Detection/Code
- Run the following command to see the options
python -h
- You will see the following options
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--problem PROBLEM problem number you want to solve
--dataPath DATAPATH path to data folder, Default: ..//data//
--videoFile VIDEOFILE video file name, Default: 1tagvideo.mp4
--imgFile IMGFILE image file name, Default: testudo.png
- To solve the problem 1 run the following command
python --problem 1 --dataPath "path//to//data//directory//" --videoFile "Video_filename_with_extension"
- To Solve the problem 2(a) run the following command
python --problem 2 --dataPath "path//to//data//directory//" --videoFile "Video_filename_with_extension" --imgFile "Img_filename_with_extension"
- To Solve the problem 2(b) run the following command
python --problem 3 --dataPath "path//to//data//directory//" --videoFile "Video_filename_with_extension"