DCOS with EMC {code} RexRay & DVDI for persistent storage
- DCOS v1.7
- DVDCLI v0.2.0
- DVDI v0.4.2
- rexray v0.3.3
This walkthrough is meant to be used by those who want to play with DCOS 1.7 (not the Enterprise Ed). Everything described here is for demo purposes and purely experimental.
Tested on AWS with DCOS Community Edition, one Mesos Master.
DCOS 1.7 comes with Docker 1.7.1 on CoreOS. According to Mesosphere there is no support for Docker containers with external volumes for DCOS installations running Docker older than 1.8. I have experimented with modifying the original DCOS CloudFormation template to use the latest stable CoreOS which comes with Docker 1.9.1. Just to be able to use Docker/rexray/DVDI until a new DCOS version comes out.
To ssh on each Mesos agent and on the master(s), you may want to check this link:
To ssh on agents:
dcos node ssh --master-proxy --mesos-id=<mesos-id>
To ssh on the master:
dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader
curl -sSL https://dl.bintray.com/emccode/rexray/install | sh -s stable
This walkthrough should work with rexray 0.3.3.
Create and edit the config.yml:
sudo vi /etc/rexray/config.yml
- ec2
logLevel: info
disable: true
disable: false
preempt: true
ignoreUsedCount: true
disableCache: true
rootPath: /data
fileMode: 0700
This particular setup will pre-emptively detach any existing attachments to other instances before attempting a mount.
Check the config options here: http://rexray.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/config/#advanced-configuration
Test it. You should see the available EBS volumes:
rexray volume ls
Start the rexray service:
sudo rexray start
More details about DVDCLI may be found here: https://github.com/emccode/dvdcli
DVDCLI stands for Docker Volume Driver CLI and it is exactly that: a CLI implementation of the Docker Volume Driver.
curl -sSL https://dl.bintray.com/emccode/dvdcli/install | sh -s stable
Test it:
sudo dvdcli mount --volumedriver=rexray --volumename=test1
rexray will mount the volume here: /var/lib/rexray/volumes/test1
Check the EC2 dashboard - you should see the volume in use by one of the Mesos Agents.
This will unmount the volume:
sudo dvdcli unmount --volumedriver=rexray --volumename=test1
DVDI stands for Docker Volume Driver Interface. To understand it better, I recommend checking this material: https://github.com/emccode/mesos-module-dvdi/blob/master/DVDI%20Isolator%20Overview%20and%20Roadmap.md
DCOS 1.7 comes with Mesos 0.28.1 hence this command should get you the binaries:
curl -L -O https://github.com/emccode/mesos-module-dvdi/releases/download/v0.4.2/libmesos_dvdi_isolator-0.28.1.so
For me it didn't work. First there is a problem with calling the DVDCLI on CoreOS, for which I opened an issue (thecodeteam/mesos-module-dvdi#99). I also got a invalid ELF header
when trying to use the above binaries. Then I decided to build it myself. My build is publicly available from an S3 location:
curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/dcos-mitel/libmesos_dvdi_isolator-0.28.1.so
If you want to build it yourself, here is how I did it (right on one of the Mesos agents):
# clone the git repo:
git clone https://github.com/emccode/mesos-module-dvdi.git
cd mesos-module-dvdi
# edit and change /usr/bin to /opt/bin for the dvdcli executable
# that's because dvdcli installs by default in /opt/bin on CoreOS
vi isolator/isolator/docker_volume_driver_isolator.hpp
# build the docker image
docker build -t mitelone/mesos-module-dvdi-dev:0.28.1 - < Dockerfile-mesos-module-dvdi-dev
# mount the isolator folder and run the build inside a Docker container
cd isolator
docker run -ti --volume=$(pwd):/isolator mitelone/mesos-module-dvdi-dev:0.28.1
# you will find the build here:
cd /build/.libs
After downloading or building the .so file, copy it somewhere, eg: /home/core/dvdi/
Add the library to the list in mesos-slave-modules.json, following the json syntax:
sudo vi /opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-slave-modules.json
"libraries": [
{ ... },
"file": "/home/core/dvdi/libmesos_dvdi_isolator-0.28.1.so",
"modules": [
"name": "com_emccode_mesos_DockerVolumeDriverIsolator",
"parameters": [
"key": "isolator_command",
"value": "/emc/dvdi_isolator"
Add com_emccode_mesos_DockerVolumeDriverIsolator
to the existing MESOS_ISOLATION
sudo vi /opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-slave-common
It should look like this:
Now it should make some more sense to you why DVDI/rexray is so important - storage becomes a Mesos-managed resource along with CPU and Memory.
Stop the Mesos Agent:
sudo systemctl stop dcos-mesos-slave.service
After all these modifications, starting the service via systemctl fails for some reason I could not identify yet, hence I had to start it manually once, like this:
sudo /opt/mesosphere/packages/mesos--0335ca0d3700ea88ad8b808f3b1b84d747ed07f0/bin/mesos-slave --modules=file:///opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-slave-modules.json --isolation=cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem,posix/disk,com_emccode_mesos_DockerVolumeDriverIsolator --master=zk://leader.mesos:2181/mesos --containerizers=docker,mesos --log_dir=/var/log/mesos
It should start succesfully (check your mesos-slave
executable location, might be different than the one above), then you can CTRL-C and then start it under systemd:
sudo systemctl start dcos-mesos-slave.service
Verify the service status:
sudo systemctl status dcos-mesos-slave.service
dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader
Add external_volumes
to --enable_features
sudo systemctl edit --full dcos-marathon.service
It should look like this now:
--enable_features "vips,task_killing,external_volumes"
Restart Marathon:
sudo systemctl reload-or-restart dcos-marathon.service
After running the above steps you should be able to run stateful apps using the Mesos containerizer.
..but not yet the Docker containerizer due to the Docker version used on the CoreOS version used by DCOS 1.7. Quite frustrating :) So I modified the CloudFormation template to use a newer CoreOS version that comes with Docker > 1.8. Check it out and/or use it from
https://s3.amazonaws.com/dcos-mitel/dcos_single_master_23.04_coreos_899.17.0.json (docker 1.9.1)
https://s3.amazonaws.com/dcos-mitel/dcos_single_master_23.04_coreos_1010.3.0.json (docker 1.10.3)
You can provide this link when deploying DCOS on AWS (US-East-1 region only - I used an AMI available in that region).
Have fun!