This code will build on any kernel 4.2 and newer as long as the distro has not modified any of the kernel APIs. IF YOU RUN UBUNTU, YOU CAN BE ASSURED THAT THE APIs HAVE CHANGED. NO, I WILL NOT MODIFY THE SOURCE FOR YOU. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!!!!!
It includes the following drivers:
rtl8192ce, rtl8192cu, rtl8192se, rtl8192de, rtl8188ee, rtl8192ee, rtl8723ae, rtl8723be, and rtl8821ae.
If you are looking for the driver for rtl8822be or rtl8723de, then execute the following command:
git checkout origin/extended -b extended
You can find <> using lspci | grep Wireless
Afterwards, execute the following lines of codes in your shell:
You will need to install "make", "gcc", "kernel headers", "kernel build essentials", and "git".
If you are running Ubuntu, then
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential git
Please note the first paragraph above.
For all distros:
git clone
cd rtlwifi_new
sudo make install
sudo modprobe -r <<YOUR WIRELESS DRIVER CODE>>
#### Option configuration
If it turns out that your system needs one of the configuration options, then do the following:
vim /etc/modprobe.d/<<YOUR WIRELESS DRIVER CODE>>.conf
There, enter the line below:
`options <<YOUR WIRELESS DRIVER CODE>> <<driver_option_name>>=<value>`