is the library to handle MIDI messages in JavaScript (TypeScript) with ease. It provides simple programming interface to interact with both MIDI IN and MIDI OUT.
The library is currently in alpha state. Feel free to contribute, post bug reports, comments and ideas.
More information: midival.github.io
yarn add @midival/core
To get started you need to initialise the library and ask for available devices:
import { MIDIVal } from "@midival/core";
MIDIVal.connect().then((accessObject) => {
console.log("Inputs", accessObject.inputs);
console.log("Outputs", accessObject.outputs);
You can also listen to new devices and react when they are connected:
import { MIDIVal } from "@midival/core";
MIDIVal.onDeviceConnected((device) => {
console.log("Device", device);
You can also listen to disconnect events:
import { MIDIVal } from "@midival/core";
MIDIVal.onDeviceDisconnected((device) => {
console.log("Device", device);
Once you obtain reference to device, you can use it by creating MIDIValInput
/ MIDIValOutput
object from it:
MIDIVal.connect().then((accessObject) => {
const input = new MIDIValInput(accessObject.inputs[0]);
Once you obtain access to the MIDI Input you can interact with it.
You can subscribe to note on.
input.onAllNoteOn(({ note, velocity }) => {
console.log("Note On:", note, "velocity:", velocity);
You can also subscribe to a specific key:
input.onNoteOn(60, ({ velocity }) => {
console.log("C pressed with velocity", velocity);
You can subscribe to note off. The note off takes into account both Note Off message as well as Note On with Velocity 0.
input.onAllNoteOff(({ note }) => {
console.log("Note Off:", note);
You can also subscribe to a specific key:
input.onNoteOff(60, ({ velocity }) => {
console.log("C depressed with velocity", velocity); // velocity should be 0.
To listen to Control Change (MIDI CC) messages like modulation, synth parameter change and more, you can do the following:
input.onAllControlChange(({ control, value }) => {
console.log(`Param: ${control}, value: ${value}`);
You can also listen to the single control parameter (like Modulation wheel, Volume or Pan only). The full table with MIDI CC messages can be found in the official MIDI CC documentation.
input.onControlChange(7, ({value}) => {
console.log('Volume change to value:', value));
input.onControlChange(1, ({value}) => {
console.log('Modulation Wheel value changed to:', value);
You can listen to program change messages:
input.onAllProgramChange(({ program, value }) => {
console.log(`Program ${program} changed to: ${value}`);
You can also listen to a single program channel:
input.onProgramChange(1, ({ value }) => {
console.log(`Program 1 changed to:`, value);
You can listen to Poly Key Pressure:
input.onAllPolyKeyPressure((midiMessage) => {});
you can listen to a specific key:
input.onPolyKeyPressure(5, (midiMessage) => {});
You can listen to systex message:
input.onSysex((midiMessage) => {});
You can listen to all sounds off message
input.onAllSoundsOff(() => {});
You can listen to the signal to reset all controllers
input.onResetAllControllers(() => {});
Under construction
You can listen to all notes off
input.onAllNotesOff(() => {});
You can listen to MIDI Clock messages:
- sent 24 times every quarternote.
The following features are planned to be added to MIDI Input:
- Better support for sysex
- Better documentation
If you want to stop listening to all the messages and unregister all callbacks simply call:
For changelog see CHANGELOG.md.
For migration guide see MIGRATION.md.
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