Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.5.0
Notable Changes:
- 682dc5e Update CommandBarFlyout closing animation to include button moving (#3594)
- 7a0fd49 TeachingTip: Fix background for light-dismissable tip (#3440)
- 309c88f TabView: Fix newly-added items not respecting TabWidthMode [compact] when using an ItemsSource collection (#3118)
- aeac5a1 update progress ring idl (#3599)
- 52e7fc4 make footer menu items public (#3519)
- a92afcc Add missing resource files to LocConfig (#3567)
- a9dd3ba NavView: Fix CornerRadius for overflow menu and NavViewItem children flyout menu (#3082)
- da3964e IsSelectionRequried -> IsSelectionRequired (#3404)
- 3125489 Adding InfoBar Control (#3325)
- 794cf60 Update progress ring API (#3396)
- 878ba35 RadioButtons: Fix header not having correct color when disabled (#3358)
- dfbe38b TeachingTip: Fix HeroContentPlacement being ignored when initially set from XAML markup (#3271)
- a560a86 Let teachingtip treat placement logically not physically (#3165)
- c2c5e00 Fix issue with ScrollBar in HC not being visible (#3227)
- 545405f NavigationView: Close pane in non Left displaymode when selecting an item from AutoSuggestBox (#3248)
- 70adca8 Fix issue with StartBringIntoView scrolling for items already visible (#3167)
- 777976f TeachingTip: Add bindings to propagate properties down (#3205)
- 8730c31 RadioButtons: Wrap custom ItemTemplate in a RadioButton if required (#3194)
- 2766115 Fix expand chevron flickering. (#3260)
- 1907990 NavigationView: Fix IsPaneOpen=false ignored on launch when pane is launched in Left expanded state (#3197)
- 5e503fa NavigationView: Throw exception when a WUX NavigationViewItem is added to it as a menu item (#3232)
- d6b4251 NavigationView: Fix overflow button not being collapsed when the overflow menu only contains one item and NavigationView menu items are removed to empty the overflow menu (#3087)
- 4981365 Fix issue with displaymode minimal shadow missing (#3127)
- 9c0115f NavigationView: Fix app crash in Top mode when clearing the item collection while a selected item exists (#3202)
- 6097584 ColorPicker: Fix app crash when clearing input fields (#3224)
- 647cb4d Fixed NavView in ContentDialog crash (#2920)
- 986d48a Fix issue with setting SelectedItem on TreeView would crash application (#3136)
- f01c448 Updated background and border of the popup to match Fluent Design guidelines. (#3130)
- 5e41ccf Fix issue with NavigationView ShoulderNavigation always not behaving correctly (#3145)
- 8acf759 Fix issue with collection change inside item invoked crashing NavigationView (#3138)
- 2a7cf5e Add missing controls to toolbox file (#3065)
- 2015013 NavView: Expand/Collapse chevron and Overflow button improvements in Top mode (#3063)
- 3a6aa22 NumberBox: Fix header foreground color not being properly updated when NumberBox is disabled. (#3005)
- 67c2684 Fix issue with flyouts created in CommandBarFlyout not closing when commandbar closes (#3079)
- 37ade09 Add support for ReadOnlyList/VectorView and notifycollectionchange (#3055)
- 8635052 Add workaround so ItemsRepeater doesn't leak the result of DataTemplate::Load (#3068)
- 3ff3437 RadioButtons: Fix selected radio button not being focused on tab navigation when first element in TAB navigation (#3048)
- 2ec9b1c NavigationView BottomMenuItems implementation (#1997)
- 5e15250 Remove legacy EIC style in WinUI (#2968)
- c2d4b16 NavigationView ItemInvoked returning incorrect item fix (#2682)
- 6265117 Fix issue with TextCommandBarFlyout not opening when using custom button (#3022)
- 34a6bab Fix issue with item that just got uncollapsed not showing selection (#3028)
- 6f5e466 Fix crash with UniformGridLayout trying to scroll to first item (#2969)
- bae964c Determinate ProgressRing with Lottie (#2584)
- 2b03c3e ComboBox: Match Placeholder foreground color with TextBox's Placeholder foreground color and improve lightweight styling options (#2798)
- b0ec5ba Add resource for topmode CustomContentPane minimum width (#2905)
- 043ed5a Update background color of selected ListView item to meet contrast ratio requirement (#2962)
- e51202a Treeview: Fix Background API not being applied to TreeView UI. (#3016)
- 86a7d62 NavigationView: Add more theme resources to configure margins (#2923)
- 67fb89b Fix issue with invoke pattern being provided for top navview item (#2819)
- 542e6f9 Add TabView SelectionPattern (#2856)
- 347c4bd TabView: Enable separate lightweight styling of the Add button and the TabViewItem's Close button (#2823)
- 0a757bd Add check to only open flyout if a menubaritem has items (#2889)
- 8aaf7f8 Tabview switch to converter instead of template settings (#2827)
- 8f1a682 NavigationView not updating UIA users about changed selection and expand state (#2692)
- 59d04fa Fix issue with SplitButton overriding every flyout placement (#2806)
- 78fa7f6 NumberBox: Fix deselecting text when opening context menu (#2765)
- 08723fb Hide NavigationViewItem Chevron if Children is empty (#2759) [ #2743 ]
- ced1ce0 Add support for NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move to ItemsRepeater (#2778)
- b4df2bd Add missing templatebindings to NumberBox (#2652)
- 80d920c Fix issue with NavigationViewItem announcing collapsed when not having children (#2770)
- 865e4fc Tabview: Fix issue with newly added items not behaving according to TabViews WidthMode (#2752)
- 1c67178 Add theme resource (#2674)
- 8811c96 Add padding to the NavigationViewItem to avoid occluding expand/collapse chevron (#2342)
- a0f4581 Fix issue with ContentDialog not respecting BorderThickness property set (#2664)
- 6e99a41 Automation Peer fix for Hierarchical NavigationView (#2627)
- e9bd88e Clear DataContext of cleared elements in ItemsRepeater (#2626)
- ac7ce43 TabView workaround for Issues #2455 and #2457 (#2634)
- f3da94f NavigationViewItem input handling fixes (#2625)
- 637b380 Resize tab view items only once the pointer has left the TabViewItem strip (#2569)
- eb6d418 Fix issue with single select and unrealized children on TreeView (#2547)
- 3e33555 ProgressBar: Update indicator size when Padding changes. (#2418)
- 196bf8b Fix issue with settings button in top mode not receiving pointer events (#2442)
- e5ad93b Set the ActionButton and CloseButton styles. (#2447)
- 2aa9a15 TreeView: Set IsExpanded when last child has been removed (#2449)
- 98a6b74 Align TabView visuals with Edge (#2201)
- 3c5de5c Fix background of MenuFlyout in white high contrast (#2446)
- c99f508 Fix issue where holding down the space/enter key invokes item rapidly (#2261)
- b06204c TabView: Make TabViewItem consume the TabViewItemHeaderForeground theme resource (#2348)
- d14b639 TabView: Add tooltips to its scrolling buttons. (#2369)
- 6ab6d30 SelectionModel: Fix for missing SelectionChanged event raise (#2359)