Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.2.190917002
- a29c1b4 Fix Teaching Tip's Rounded Corners (#1305)
- 96b64c0 TabView: Fix for terminal handling scrollviewer load issue (#1339)
- 44a2d6f SplitButton: Propagate FontFamily/Size/Weight properties to inner Button. (#1340)
- c007095 Fix crash in RefreshVisualizer when not wrapping a ScrollViewer (#1328)
- 67537d9 Fix bug with HorizontalContentAlignment not working on NavigationViewItem (#1325) [ #481 ]
- 418fe9c Fix SplitView VisualState Setters (#1324)
- 1c07c85 Fix RefreshVisualizer crash in release builds (#1321)
- 52f5bb1 Add reveal style to Settings button in NavigationView in top mode,Closes #942 (#1236)
- 3c4f001 Fix bug where DropDown would lose chivron with reveal (#1316)
- 19e4fc4 Fix SplitButton reveal style, Closes #1310 (#1319)
- 7094bc6 Fix CheckBox aligment (#1320)
- 63c8ddb Add key names to default control styles (#1300)
- 6007851 Fix volume button alignment (#1292)
- 6673efc Add binding to name of NavigationView for menu lists, Closes #564 (#1266)
- 8583253 Fix bug where pane was open when app would start minimal with NavigationView (#1280)
- eacc06e PTR: Fix high contrast list item display, remove background and add border to display PTR correctly in test page (#1273)
- b39f918 Fix corner radius when hover (#1269)
- eb9333c Add reveal style for menu items in navigation top mode (#1257)