Moved go libraries to their own repository. #370
Fixed a bug where the base url of the request adapter would be reset by the client(PHP). #1469
Fixed issue where custom date types are never corrected for method parameters(PHP). #1474
Replaced DateTimeOffset with DateTime for custom date types(PHP). #1474
Fixed a bug where the base url of the request adapter would be reset by the client. #1443
Fixed a bug where request builder classes for collections endpoints would have a wrong name. #1052
Fixed issue with ambiguous type names causing build errors and stack overflows. (Shell) #1052
Fixed a bug where symbols (properties, methods, classes) could contain invalid characters #1436
Renamed parameters for requests: o => options, q => queryParameters, h => headers. #1380
Fixed a bug where names would clash with reserved type #1437
Fixed unnecessary use of fully qualified type names in Dotnet.
Added text output formatter to CLI commons. (Shell)
Added support for vendor specific content types generation/serialization. #1197
Added support for 204 no content in generation and CSharp/Java/Go/TypeScript request adapters. #1410
Added a draft swift generation implementation. #1444
Added support for yaml response type generation. #302
Added support for xml response type generation. #302
Added support for unstructured response generation (stream). #546
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